Vegan Cars, Cow Farts, And PETA... What?

Environmentalists don't use common sense. Nor do they care about humans.

I’m an Environmentalist…just not and EXTREME Environmentalist.

Massachusetts has a stretch of coast called Plum Island where there are homes that have been there for generations. Numerous residents have lost their homes to coastal storms because the Mass Department of Environment Protection refused to allow the owners to create breakwaters at 100% their own expense using boulders brought in from elsewhere.

That is EXACTLY what they are doing in NJ to protect the homes/neighborhoods that were devastated by Hurricane Sandy.

this earth as nourished us, if we change it too much we are destroying our own home and source of life. trees make oxygen. unless we grow gills we kinda need them. we wouldn t run our cars to death, same thing really.

Fish breath oxygen also, it’s just oxygen that’s dissolved in the water they swim in, put fish in oxygen free water and they suffocate. Our cars also would not run without oxygen, nor would our fireplaces work or our cigarettes smoke.
But if all our forests were to go away, there would still be oxygen, grass, algae, weeds, etc. most likely put out more oxygen than our trees do, in fact, the grass and weeds that would now not be shaded by trees would more likely than not make up the deficit.

I still turn up the car radio when “Stranglehold” a nice bolero by Ted Nugent plays, even though it’s Derik St Holmes doing the singing on that song, just like I turn up the radio when MJ’s “Billie Jean” comes on. Before judging these people, I have to ask myself, “if Monica Lewinsky had come on to me like she did to Bill Clinton, would I have done any differently?”. But for the grace of God, there go I.
I don’t dismiss people’s opinions just because they aren’t perfect. If an obese chain smoking doctor advised you to lose weight and quit smoking, it doesn’t change the fact that he gave you some darn good advise.
No one beholds hypocrisy more keenly than those eager to dismiss someone’s opinion.

This place never ceases to amaze me. There is more profound, contemplative, civil discussion among posters of wide ranging opinions tossed about on this forum than I hear from the hallowed halls on C-Span.

Who pays for C-Span, BTW?

Wonderful Discussion. Bringing It Back Around To Cars…
Why Pick On Car Manufacturers For Using Leather For Car Trim? Would Objectors Prefer The Leather “Waste” Go To A Landfill? These Companies Should Be Praised For Not Throwing Out Left-Overs.

If you’ve got an interest in keeping this particular discussion open, please relate some of the comments to the original topic pertaining to leather in cars. I can see this getting shut down if the whole interesting, amazing discussion drifts away.

Speaking of leather seats being objectionable to some, don’t man-made materials used in “cloth” seats use petroleum and/or elements that are harmful to humans and the environment, either in their manufacture or disposal?

Is PETA really anti-human as has been suggested? I

I’m all for common sense environmental protection when it’s not in conflict with reasonable quality of human life. I pay a small annual fee for a recycling permit. I recycle plastic containers, cans, cardboard, paper, etcetera, because it has become somewhat easy in our area (no home pick-up), but county bins placed in an array of places and there’s not much sorting, just 2 groups). I have room on my property for recycling animal/plant waste. My family puts out less than one garbage bag/month of non-recycled stuff.

I would never insist that others recycle stuff. I have the time. It works for me. What others do is their business. Please, don’t tell me how to live and hands-off my leather car seats.

I would never insist that others recycle stuff. I have the time. It works for me. What others do is their business.

I disagree with that completely. A town a few towns over from me went through that a few years ago. The owner of a salvage yard was taken to court because of the way he kept his salvage yard. He said it was HIS property and he had every right to do what he wants…Unfortunately that attitude has now lead to dozens of homes in the area with contaminated well water - all from the stuff that had been leaking out of those cars for decades and his REFUSAL to do something about it.

People that don’t recycle effects EVERYONE. So someone who changes their own oil has the RIGHT to just dump the dirty oil on the ground because it’s THEIR PROPERTY AND THEIR OIL??

There are very few things a person does that doesn’t effect someone else.

There’s an old saying… “You’re right to smoke stops at the bridge of my nose.”

Please, don't tell me how to live and hands-off my leather car seats.

As long as your life doesn’t effect ME or anyone else…sure - no problem. When you do something on yore property or in your life that may endanger me or my family…then not only will I tell to stop…but I’ll take every means (legal and possibly illegal) to stop you.

anyway…, back to civility and profundity …,

never drink water, fish make love in water…

I m a guy who loves him some woods and wildlife and water. I have actually hugged trees. I would like to see the wolves and bears back in the woods (cougars? not so much…). the forest is like a cathedral to me. the extreme enviromentalists set back progress in these areas because of their intolerance and self righteousness, IMHO. I think about these thing as I ride in my car…

Leather is a natural and replenish-able product, and using it for car seats keeps it out of the dumps. Is PETA so dumb that they don’t realize that by opposing leather they’re promoting the use of artificially-created coverings, often made from petroleum and never natural? Do they realize that according to the environmentalists, the production of the coverings that they’re inadvertently promoting adversely affects the environment in ways that hurts PETA’s beloved animals? I guess I answered my own question, didn’t I?

Is PETA so dumb that they don't realize that by opposing leather they're promoting the use of artificially-created coverings, often made from petroleum and never natural?

If PETA thinks leather seats are immoral…then they should take a look at the material used in golf-gloves.

Or that nice, super-soft lambskin-leather shoes I just bought. That stuff would make wonderful seat covers!

One of the softest leathers you can get is Deerskin. Wife has a coat and matching purse made from it. Brother-in-law who’s an avid hunter had it made for her when she turned 50. It’s beautiful. A few vehicles ago he had custom seat covers made from the skins of some of the Deer he bagged that year. Those were BEAUTIFUL seats. Nice and soft. And the guy who made them was a craftsman, because they fit perfectly. Even had them dyed to match the interior perfectly. Expensive…but real nice. I think MOST Deerskin is Thrown out…What a waste.

darn mike, now I want a buckskin jacket. my dad got me one when I was about six. no fringe tho, I didn t like the fringe.

maybe my son, the great deer slayer would give me one for Christmas…

an old truck and and skin of buck…

that s all me brother

an old truck and and skin of buck...

that s all me brother

Just don’t tell PETA.

I like leather. Always have.
And especially since we’ve killed off al the naugas. Remember naugahide?

Tom and Ray asked for contributions for the “Save the Skeets” foundation. Did PETA urge them to ask for these contributions? Is PETA against eating skeet meat?

“…since we’ve killed off al the naugas. Remember naugahide?”

I sure do! Now, we have free-range bondabeasts. Their hides are turned into “bonded leather.” Furniture manufacturers have discovered that by using the term “leather” in “bonded leather,” the public can be deceived sold a naugahide-like material and think it’s get a great deal.

Has anybody seen bonded leather appear in car seats, yet?


In the sixties Dupont, predicting a shortage of hides invented Corfam, a near leather like material for making shoes and other leather products requiring strength and flexibility. It never took off because good shoes continued to be made of leather and the inexpensive ones got made with all sorts of other and cheaper synthetic materials while leather soles fell out of fashion except for dress shoes and dancing shoes.

I own an expensive pair of Italian hiking boots, Zamberlain, which have leather uppers and leather lining, but all the rest is synthetic. Many hiking boots are now made with Goretex as well.

All the naugas are gone because they’re all on the Kustom brand guitar amps. Remember those ?
all tuck-and-rolled naugahide with some in bold colors too.
poor naugas .

I was looking into raising faux fox and faux chinchilla but the threat of PETA shutting down the operation has discouraged me. They must import that faux fur from China where anything goes.

I wonder what those PETA wierdos would say about the animal products if they were all ‘‘natural death’’ by-products ?
Your fox, chinchilla, mink, rabbit, cowhide, deerhide and all would come only AFTER the natural demise of these animals.
But then the activists couldn’t possibly know which it is before they run up and spraypaint your mink coat.
Could that shut 'em up ?

I notice that Kustom amps no longer covers all their new products with naugahide anymore either. I wonder if PETA had issue with them using the sparkly kind ?