Vegan Cars, Cow Farts, And PETA... What?

Regarding Ted Nugent, take him or leave, but I've heard him on radio shows debating a PETA (or PITA) person and it is absolutely hilarious entertainment (and also a little very educational for the PETA spokesperson).

Two EXTREMISTS debating. Neither side is relevant. How come all the conservatives latch onto drug addict - Draft Dodging war mongers?? Ted Nugent and Rush Limbaugh just to name a few. They can’t find a better representative to represent their views.

I like leather seats, and expect to have them in my next car. Probably not a Tesla, however. I wouldn’t mind leather door cards and a leather headliner in my car either.

I don’t like leather seats that much. Wife loves them though. They are easier to clean and keep looking nice…especially with younger kids.

that s why we can t have nice conversations here mike in new Hampshire. someone always has to step over the line of civil discussion…

live free or die!

@MikeInNH Where’s The Car Part Of Your Question?
Whoa… This Isn’t A Political Thing To Me. It’s A Common Sense Issue. I’m Not Choosing Conservatives Or Liberals When It Comes To Good Car Music To Listen To While Driving The Bonneville. Ted Nugent, Graham Nash, And Carlos Santana All Have Great Tunes, Regardless Of World Views. Same Thing Applies To Leather Chairs. I Like Them.

Would PETA have a beef with leather upholstery if animals were treated well and allowed to die a natural death and then their hides became car parts? What if wolves killed a bovine animal and the carcass was skinned for a 6-way, heated, power seat? Is that OK?


You’re talking about two people/groups who have VERY EXTREMEST views which add NOTHING to the debate.

PETA is just the extremest view of SPCA. I have no problem donating money and supporting causes of the SPCA. PETA just takes the step even further.

Either (PETA and Nugent) views are so extreme that I don’t think either one is helping their side. I won’t listen to either because just listening is giving them some sort of credibility…which neither one has.

Ted Nugent being an ADMITTED pedophile, drug-addict and draft-dodger has NOTHING to do with politics…but has a lot to do with credibility. The politics are the conservatives who rally behind and support a creap like this. A man who supposedly supports family values yet he has several kids out of wed-lock…adopted a 17yo to keep her parents from suing him for sex with a minor.

the problem is that you judged half the country by the idiocy of two men. now if I said all liberals were the same as al sharpton, I would be the one that stepped over the curb, which is beside my car

I would never tolerate abusing any creature, animal or human, but leather seats are a natural byproduct of an industry that kills animals to provide meat for our tables. Even those grown on special farms without barbed wire fences. Leather has been used since the dawn of time for our comfort after the provider was killed for meat.

PETA is simply pursuing their agenda, with their usual blinders on, oblivious to everything but what they’re laser-focused on. Tesla having made their electric vehicle a true luxury car has totally changed the public’s perception of what an EV should be, and their work in the industry has jumped EV technology overall a quantum leap. It has also jumped lithium-ion battery matrix technology a leap forward. Ultimately, I believe it will jump battery technology ahead. The path the EV will now take has been altered by Tesla in a way that will ultimately cause the segment to truly explode. Rather than have a few bean-pod city cars for EVs, they’ll ultimately be a real part of the landscape. PETA should be applauding Tesla for what they’ve accomplished instead of complaining because they have leather seats. But let’s face it, PETA must nit-pick and complain in order to be happy. It’s just the way they are.

May all members of PETA wear plastic shoes, carry plastic wallets, and sit on plastic seats. Of course then they’ll complain about the plastic being made of petroleum and the seats being hot in summer and cold in winter. Some people just aren’t happy unless they’re miserable.

the problem is that you judged half the country by the idiocy of two men.

I’m NOT judging…in fact I’m doing the opposite. I’m NOT giving credibility to either Ted or Rush because I don’t think that their views are what the vast majority people in this country think. The problem is some radical few give them credibility by rallying behind them. Maybe if people would STOP giving them any credibility…then there actually could be a discussion. But when you bring Al, or PETA or Ted or Rush into the discussion…there is no more RATIONAL debate. All credibility is lost.

I remember when Michael Jackson (that creep) and his trouble with young boys. The radical conservatives were screaming boycotting his records. And actually I was all for that. So what he was extremely talented and popular…doesn’t mean I’d support him. Now Ted Nugent comes along and ADMITS to underage sex…and ADMITS to drug use and draft dodging…Those SAME radical conservatives rallied behind him.

I’m very happy to see you back. 30 years ago there was very little “old growth” timber left, with around 80% of that already protected in parks and wilderness areas. The only “old growth” timber being harvested was diseased, damaged, and overcrowded trees that required thinning for overall forest health. Nearly all of the “old growth” timber had been harvested in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The crazies were using their usual junk science claiming the endangered spotted owls would only nest in “old growth” timber. This claim was a total fabrication. Formal studies of the spotted owl found exactly none nesting in “old growth” timber. Since the 1930s areas where timber was harvested were re-planted creating a sustainable crop. The crazies then shifted their crusade to save the owls to all timber harvesting eventually destroying our timber industry. My Cousin who was a logger for 30+ years saw a total of one spotted owl which was in a tree being cut down 40+ miles from any “old growth” timber. Instead of flying away as expected, the owl sat in the tree all the way to the ground and did not survive. PETA wants all animals to die only of natural causes. Could the imminent extinction of the spotted owl perhaps be because they are incredibly stupid? I’m going outside to check the oil in my car now.

well, sarge here must ve been some good timber left or they wouldn t have had jobs cutting it. any forest is good forest in my book. you gotta leave the new growth to get any old growth.

this earth as nourished us, if we change it too much we are destroying our own home and source of life. trees make oxygen. unless we grow gills we kinda need them. we wouldn t run our cars to death, same thing really.

and thanks, it nice to be back. its also nice to have a difference of opinion with someone without eitherparty questioning the others motives or decency. thanks for that especially

sorry about the mistakes , my keyboard iscrewing up on this sight again

@shadowfax I have never heard the “sea kittens” bit before. That gets my vote for laugh, and lunacy, of the week. :smiley:

It seems misguided for PETA to go after Tesla when so many other car makers offer leather seats, leather wrapped steering wheels, door panels, etc. My Lincoln has all leather so I guess that makes me guilty of cruelty to animals also.

I think Musk should not have wasted even one minute of his time dealing with some stray Froot Loops that fell out of the box.

It does make me wonder if the car the PETA person(s) arrived in had leather seats and whether those PETA people are going to go home in the evening and relax in their leather recliner or stretch out on a leather sofa after a hard day of whining; after loosening that leather belt and kicking off those leather shoes…

Not too many years ago a small number (4 or 5) of people showed up here in OK to randomly protest a long established steakhouse. The owner was baffled why they picked him and the whiners were marching around on the sidewalk with signs and chanting.
His answer was to set up a large grill out front on the sidewalk and start cooking some burgers and steaks which were given away free of charge.

The protestors were greatly outnumbered and ridiculed so they left soon after. The running joke was that the smell of charbroiled burgers and steaks probably led to their salivating and stopping at the first steakhouse they could find once they left the city limits where their SnivelFest had been happening.

Todays politics is dominated by the fanatic extremists on both sides. It’s a real struggle to find an objective in depth report on a significant issue these days. Everyone has an agenda tied to the far right or far left. And it’s funny that from day to day I am accused of being a traitor by one side or the other if I express an opinion that seems quite middle of the road.

And BTW. Where can I find the partisan preference for automobiles? Do Republicans drive Cadillacs and Buicks while Democrats Chevrolets? Here in Mayberrry II the hard core Republicans seem to prefer F-150s which I drive but maybe no one really cares.

All this discussion over PETA and leather seats has me wondering about something. At the beginning of the tv show “All in the Family”, one line of the song Archie and Edith sing is " Gee our old LaSalle ran great. Now the LaSalle was a higher model in the GM line–it was between the Buick and the Cadillac. The LaSalle might well have had leather seats. We never see or hear any more about the car on the show. I wonder if Meathead and Gloria put up so much fuss about the LaSalle because it had leather seats,that Archie and Edith got rid of the car to keep peace in the family.

I saw the show the other night by mistake and I think they were singing about the days long gone by-like years ago. So seems to me the LaSalle was probably long replaced by something more conventional, like a tan LeSabre.

I like leather seats too. It would have cost me $800 though for my G6 so I settled for cloth and its worked, but all my other cars have leather. If anyone finds out I might have a protest in my yard.

I don’t mind divergent opinions either. As the saying goes even a blind pig finds an acorn once in a while. So while the extremists on both sides leave much to be desired as far as character, once in a while they say something worth thinking about-not all the time though.

In northern Minnesota a storm came through and blew down a bunch of old growth trees. The lumber folks wanted to clean them out and make use of them. The environmentalists had a fit and insisted that they lay as they were to rot just like the place had never been touched by human hands. Of course the trees provided a tremendous source for fire that threatened the forest and still does. Remember the policy of a few years ago to simply let forest fires burn naturally? It was quietly changed before all the parks burned up. Sheesh. A little common sense is all I ask.

Environmentalists don’t use common sense. Nor do they care about humans.

Massachusetts has a stretch of coast called Plum Island where there are homes that have been there for generations. Numerous residents have lost their homes to coastal storms because the Mass Department of Environment Protection refused to allow the owners to create breakwaters at 100% their own expense using boulders brought in from elsewhere.

I’ve taken the liberty of adding links

I don’t think we have any significant difference of opinion. We may not always be exactly in agreement but very close. I am quite aware of the importance of our oxygen generators and gills would be worthless if the oceans were dead. Our forests need to be managed with conservation as opposed to greed. What I consider “old growth” timber is what was here prior to the invasion of the Americas by our ancestors and the decimation that occurred during the expansion of the 19th century plus two world wars. The little remaining “old growth” timber is now dwindling from age, disease, and other natural causes. Not harvesting. The timber planted since the 1940s is now in need of appropriate harvesting followed by more planting or it will go to waste. The major problem with reviving our timber industry is that nearly all of the transporting (vehicle reference) and processing infrastructure would have to be rebuilt from scratch. Of course current investors are not interested in long term potential profits when they can make millions/billions of phony dollars in phony stock markets overnight. Even gold has no real value beyond it’s industrial uses and diamonds are just rocks. I bought 12 Yugoslavian Dinara banknotes in Bosnia for $1. They range from 10 to 50,000,000. I use them to remind me that wealth measured in paper money is an illusion.

i always wondered what North America did to survive before the various settlers arrived to build cars and manage things,Nuts and kooks are unethical.

I watch this show called AX MEN, mostly because of a guy called Shelby, the swamp man, stanga. he pulls old saw cut logs that sank in the swamp during the logging process over a hundred years ago.

most of the show is about logging in the northwest, Canada and Alaska, it breaks my heart to see the beauty and ecosystem just devastated by their work. they seem to specialize in getting the old growth that was too hard to log in the old days

I agree that gold is kinda useless mostly, except for industry and art