State Farm beacon

They’re reporting a higher incidence of people being pulled over for using their phones, because before the law you couldn’t be ticketed for using your phone unless you were doing specific things like texting, which was hard to prove.

Yes they are giving out more tickets but the report was that the incidence was higher. Just because you didn’t get a ticket before did not mean that they did not observe folks using their phones.

my question wasn’t directed at you, more rhetorical directed at those who drafted the rule/law/whatever. :slight_smile:

That tells me it’s working. The law needs to be enforced. When the last starts being enforced…then you’ll see incidents drop. Same thing happened with the Seat-Belt laws, and even earlier with DUI laws. States that enforce these laws see the drop in incident rates.

Your iPhone has to be linked to the State Farm beacon. Instructions come with the beacon on linking the iPhone to the beacon.

You are part of the problem. You sacrifice your privacy for saving a few bucks. Pathetic.

The State Farm “Drive Safe and Save” beacon operates exclusively through a smart phone app and cannot operate independently of a smart phone. It has no connection to the cars electronics and operates from a self-contained battery which has a service life of around 3-4 years.

It runs for 3-4 years continuously; even scarier.

With face recognition technology, no one is free from observation.

I think the answer is to limit what information companies are allowed to collect and to limit them to using that information for their own purposes - ie, it can NOT be sold of distributed elsewhere.

But I don’t think that is ever going to happen. Plus it would be near to impossible to enforce.

Reminds me I have to put some tape over the new notebook camera cam. Face recognition in cars improves safety and convenience. Sorry @Whitey I do not trust data security, and feels like more big brother.

I am a safe law abiding driver with State Farm Insurance. Sometimes on wet pavement I slightly spin my tires. would beacon consider that street racing? I don’t want to find out. No thanks!

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The beacon is paired with the iPhone’s Drive Safe and Save app. The beacon has a Bluetooth connection to the iPhone.

The beacon does not record wheel spin.

@David_Bower_1 I almost wonder if you have a lot of State Farm stock .


No, I do not have any State Farm stock. I have been a customer for many years, however, and have sent them a lot of money.

How exactly do you know the beacon does not record wheel spin? Are you the creator of beacon?


The operation of the beacon depends on the iPhone’s GPS and has no connection to the car’s computer. While it can record a change in geographic location it cannot record engine RPM or the rotational speed of the wheels. It is not necessary for one to be the creator to understand the principles of operation.:slightly_smiling_face:

Why omit the Bluetooth device that’s attached to the car? So there isn’t really one device tracking you through this program, but two. What kind of savings do you see?

Your tone makes you sound like a cheerleader for State Farm, and it sends up warning flags for a lot of folks. Myself included.

I doubt if David even knows just how much that device monitors . Frankly I wonder why he keeps posting about it . Since we are approaching 100 posts on a thread that started over 2 years ago.

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Didn’t notice the thread age. Let’s let it die