Sluggish forum-site response

I’ve run defrag once in a while just for kicks but never did much and takes forever putting those fragments back together.

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How old is this computer? How much RAM? How much free space on the HDD? Sounds like time to upgrade.

9 years old.

RAM: Self upgraded 4 to 8gig.

HDD: 500GB, 276GB free.

Am I the only one here getting this parasite ad interspersed with the other forum adverts?

Sorry, can’t get it to display for some reason. But I can report the infectious parasite ads are back in spades here.

Have you cleaned out your cookies in your cache?

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Yes, I’ve taken to clearing all of the browsing history, including cookies, before surfing to this site. This may have improved the situation, but hard to tell. The parasite ads went away for a few days, but they’ve returned in spades yesterday and today. I experienced quite a bit of sluggishness yesterday, along with the high memory usage. Today there’s a little sluggishness, minor amount , and no high memory usages messages.

You just typed the “P” word 3 more times, so you should be seeing more ads.

Type “chainsaw” and see how many ads you get.

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Yeah, you are right, maybe by mentioning an unwanted ad I’m setting myself up for more of them … lol… The last time I mentioned the P word though, the two P ads which were on the screen disappeared within a second. Today, besides the P ads, I’m seeing one about a sickly looking green liver. I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned the L word before. Currently there areno P or L adverts displayed. Crossing fingers, hoping to see more chainsaw ads and fewer P and L ads.

I’m also seeing an ad asking me to take a poll about how much $$ I’ll be spending for Christmas. Seems an odd question for mid-July … lol …

@jtsanders … as I recall you mentioned the P word in a joking way a few days ago. Are you now seeing any ads about P-related products? I hope you remain free of the P-ad-curse.

I haven’t seen any ads for the p-word. OTOH I use the Duck Duck Go browser and never see any ads at all.

I’m guessing the ads being served up aren’t just from cookies placed on your computer when you type a keyword,. They come from several sources

  • cookies stored on your own computer, placed there by the Car Talk web server
  • data about your interests, stored on the Car Talk web-server, & linked to your user id
  • ads for businesses located near your location
  • & maybe nefarious, 3rd party ads not associated at all w/Car Talk.

The only think I get, well over a hundred, emails for products I do not want, but that is from getting on mailings lists that are then provides to other mailers, just like in the junk snail mail.

Hmm, if I type snail three times will I get ads for escargot?

Snail Snail Snail

Think this is bad try YouTube with their infernal AI deciding what to display. Click on one and then loads all kinds of similar videos that I’m not interested in. Clear the history and everything is blank so you have to remember all the places you wanted to keep up with. Truly bazaar.

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Naah, you’ll get ads for USPS.

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Guess who’s ads are back today! … lol …

Guess who doesn’t care .

Are you using a public computer that is shared with homeless people?

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No, but computer is used by other folks sometimes. I forgot to clear the browsing history & cookies today, maybe part of the reason I’m seeing the evil p-word ads today, but not yesterday. In any event IMHO Car Talk’s website software shouldn’t display objectionable material.

How do you know that the monitors know when an objectionable advertisement appeared when you are the only one that sees it?

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Although I have gotten a LOT of popup ads on this site for quite a while, today I haven’t (yet) encountered one. Could that be the result of clearing all of the cookies yesterday?

It seems George is the only one with this problem ( maybe he should stop posting about it ) and now we find out other people are also using the PC he uses . He could buy a cheap Laptop just for his usage and probably solve the problem.