Sluggish forum-site response

The high-memory usage, approaching 4 GB, for just a simple-format forum webpage is puzzling.

For comparison, the main Google page is 0.05 GB, and an online magazine is 0.24 GB.

Note: Today 7.9.24, on this exact same page, at 1:12 PM pdt, there’s no unusual memory usage at all cited.

Yep me too. I suspect it is not a real stable site.

For about the last week it has been for me, I kept clearing the cookies doing disc cleanup and even restarting my laptop thinking it was me, but today (don’t remember yesterdays) it has been normal for me… Good to know it is not just me…

Been ok myself, chromebook and win 11 laptop.

I think they’re trying to silence you, George, having seen the feedback about you recently. :wink:


Could the sluggish experience you’re having be related to the site maintenance ?

Not seeing sluggish response. iPad using DuckDuckGo.

Ditto on all points.

No issues with an Android tablet or phone. No issues with desktop running Windows 10. Duckduckgo on all 3.

I think you need a new Tin Foil Hat . This site will not place something on someones PC or phone . If they want you gone they just block you .

I have seen it too, not necessarily on CarTalk specifically, but also on other sites… Remember, we are all “passengers” on the same internet highway and the bandwidth (like lanes on a highway) can get filled up… This site like many, many other sites include advertisements and those Graphics take bandwidth and the way the software is written, the advertisers get precedence over your viewing, reading, and writing pleasure.

That means when the site you are viewing is showing little videos on the side, they are eating up your bandwidth and your computer slows down as those videos are downloaded… You might feel that’s unfair, but they say the advertisers pay for the content you are viewing, just like when you are watching TV.

It also depends on your internet service provider and the service you have subscribed for and the equipment (computer, tablet, phone, etc…) speed capability…

I subscribe to Verizon Gigabit service (that is some fast stuff…) but I only get 900-950 MBPS (still really fast…), the bottleneck comes in as most of my devices (Laptop, tablets, etc…) can only receive 100 MBPS, so what is the advantage or Gigabit service, it can support up to 10 devices streaming without any of them slowing down.

When I had only had 100 MBPS service and when the wife and I were both surfing, if one of us downloaded a file or were watching a video, the other got to sit and tap their fingers waiting for the computer and internet to respond.

If you know how to see what is using CPU (like Windows task manager), kill it and restart. That usually fixes problems like that for me.

When you might think the web site is “Sluggish,” this is what I was referring to when I wrote about Streaming Videos stealing your Bandwidth and slow your computer down by making your computer stream these videos.

While I was reading the member’s posting, I was being “entertained” by the streaming video and the advertisement across the bottom.

Incidentally, these advertisements across the bottom of the screen also cover the REPLY Button. If you do not know that you need to click the little “X” off on its far right when you are typing up a response to a posting, you’ll die of old age before you can post your reply…


Too true, DDGo eliminates those ads and videos.

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But there are down sides to DuckDuckGo as a browser, isn’t this mainly a blocker to prevent others from tracking your searches. It really only block Tracking Ads, and many schools prohibit the installation because it by passes “Granny Tracking” and allows the students to access “forbidden sites…”

I like Chrome and I do know there are downsides here too…

More sophisticated networks use oversight software that won’t let you access NSFW sites. They did not access browser history. The block was as soon as someone hit enter. I think it would work with DDG too. The next time I’m at the public library I’ll take my iPad with DDG and test your hypothesis.

Yesterday still noticed some occasional sluggishness, but didn’t see the high memory usage 4 GB. right now (2:45 pm PDT, 7.11) no sluggishness and no high memory usage message.

Don’t know if it is a problem for others, reading a long post it will jump back 5 or 6 replies.


I have that problem too, but unrelated to the sluggishness. The jumping seems to be caused by the ads changing dimensions, coming and going, as you read the page. Ads are no problem (for me anyway), but it would make the forum easier to use if the ads, once placed on the page, didn’t change until a new page is viewed. This problem has been commented on before as I recall. It may not be possible to solve though. The ads pay the bills after all.

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That was my thought also, but I can scroll to the top of the page and no ads are there.

The ads that cause this for me are in-between posts. I just scrolled up about three posts and saw one for a big green truck, then a few seconds later it changed to one for “I see Cars”, then it changed to “Captain Crunch” (which is pretty tasty come to think of it, maybe I’ll buy a package) … lol

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