We can’t afford to buy stuff that we think does not work just to satisfy curiosity. If I could get someone to foot the bill, I’d be pleased to test it and any other gadgets that people say improve mileage dramatically.

And good for you for standing up for yourself. But I have to admit that your continued prodding for test information made it seem as though you may have had an ulterior motive.

Oh, one more thing: If I can’t call your shill, can I call you Shirl? :wink:

NOBODY has purchased this device, because it doesn’t exist! Read the info on their silly website carefully. They recommend you buy several other useless gadgets from them while supposedly get the PICC unit ready for production.

Sorry if i offended you, Theresa, but your repeated posting of th link to the press release made you look awfully suspicious.

I promise I could convert your car to run on the methane by-product of horse manure, and INCREASE YOUR GAS MILEAGE BY 75% OR MORE!!! Just send me $2,500 for the conversion kit, and just shovel horse crap into the gas tank. I have test cars here on site making 100 MPG OR BETTER!!! DECLARE YOUR INDPENDENCE FROM THE EVIL OIL CORPORATIONS NOW!!

HE HE HE! Is that all it takes to pull money from you?


Listen, I know your just trying to understand if this is possible, but these PICC guys are full of it. The diagrams I saw on their website looks ineffective and dangerous. The video they have also doesn’t look anything like the diagram. And this ‘water gas’ crap is just that. That contraption couldn’t pull enough hydrogen and oxygen from water by electrolysis to even pop a single good pop. These guys are trying to baffle you with BS of the highest order. Believe me, I’ve studied alternate fuels, and hybrids since college, and this stuff doesn’t pass the smell test. Please, just leave it be. Your wasting your time fighting for this obvious scam.

if you don’t want to be thought of as a shill then quit working so hard at it. the continued links, arguing strongly for something you know nothing about, and repeating the same catch phrases points toward a shill. at this point, i’ll take you at your word.

there’s a simple reason no one on this board has not tried this scam.
it’s because everyone here is mechanically minded and they’re not dumb enough to get suckered in.
any mechanically/scientifically minded person can read through the crap these sites post and know full well it’s a total crock.
these shysters cater to the large number of gullible people who take the site’s info as the gospel truth. the medical term for this malady is “dazzled by the bxxxsxxx”.

the earliest i can remember one of these scams surfacing is an article i read in which a gentleman was pulling this scam back in 1917. it was a scam then; it’s a scam now.
if you’re saying that filling your tank early in the morning and always maintaining half a tank or more is contributing to improved economy, then i have to burst your bubble on this issue also. it ain’t happenin’.

Looks like duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck . . .

I can’t believe you can’t see how transparent you are. We all see right through you.

Reminds me of the age-old expression: “We’ve been bull s***ted by experts before. You’re just an amateur.”

A quick google search for “Dutchman Enterprises scam” gives plenty real material for what your scam is all about.

Your replies are definitely entertaining.

I don’t know anyone stupid enough to fall for a scam like this. I don’t think anyone else here does either. The PDF document you keep offering us is a press release. Press releases don’t lend credibility to tripe like this.

do yourselk a favor,step one:buy a hot air ballon step two:fill it with your hot air ,d*** talk about fuel milage…unlimited and smog free. then you can save money for the magic trick you want sooooooo bad.

Okay, we accept your judgement that we’re all just a bunch of silly donkeys. All of our silly degrees and many decades of experience (some probably advanced degrees) in science, mechanical engineering, physics, automotive technologies, electronics engineering…all just a bunch of donkees.

And your qualifications for providing this determination are?

Actually, perhaps I am a silly donkey…after all, I’m taking the time to respond to this posting!

you are an a_ _ wipe.

talks like a s _ _ _, walks like an s _ _ _, smells like an s _ _ _, hmmm must be one.

no problemo…understood…it could look like that. Just clinging (was clinging) to a false hope.
thanks for bursting my bubble though…just kidding. t

Glad you think you have the power to see right through me…too bad you are wrong and ignorant in the
process. I am neither a bulls****** nor an amateur anything… but apparently You Jose Mario
are an uptight piece of work who likes to attribute bad motives to people. enjoy. Sure it has served
you well in your lifetime so far.

mmsamma… you are a piece of work buddy or lady, or neither… why do you waste your precious
(doubt it) time replying to such a stupid person as moi? You show your ignorance and your uptight
spirit. I am amazed that so many people WANT to believe the worst of someone, and/or if the do believe
in innocent motives, then want to attribute stupidity to the inquiry. Amazing how the male mind doth

thank you !

well said…you said it yourself.

de nada.

[announcer’s voice]

Let’s play “Keep the thread alive”. The game show where people post useless crap just because.

The next contestant is…

Please note, the “I’m not a shill” person is the one who bumped this thread back to the top. Hmm, wonder why . . .