Will You Be Paying More for Gas Starting Monday July 1st?

Rural Minnesota versus New York I guess.

Didn’t you also write that you have four drivers on your policy and you did not say how young they are nor if they had good driving records… and as @bing points out, location makes a difference, rural drivers generally have fewer accidents that city drivers… and the coverage makes a difference (endorsements and deductables, etc…).

Many states are looking to raise taxes on electric rates. As electric vehicles become more widespread - states will be looking for the loss revenue from gas taxes. Many states (including NH and MA) are looking at taxes on electric rates to offset the loss revenue.

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No. I didn’t say four but I did say I have a member on my policy.

Yeah I’ve got $100 deductible, and full coverage plus an umbrella which means yo7 have to have high liability. Just two of us though.

Upstate NY insurance is cheap compared to many states. NYC is a completely different animal. When I moved to Manchester NH from Syracuse NY (twice the size of Manchester), my insurance TRIPPLED for lesser coverage with the same company (State Farm). The closer to get to Boston, the higher the insurance rate.

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Maryland prefers to raise the registration fee. It’s going up 60% next year for light vehicles. There isn’t a separate fee for EVs yet.

I forgot about registration which is about $500 a year. Relatives in South Dakota pay $35 per car and no income tax. They do have a slightly higher sales tax but we’re catching up . Cities can add their own. I don’t know if they still have a personal property tax or not. I did get a notice once at my apartment but ignored it since I was a Minnesota resident. Maybe they are looking for me. $175 car, clothes, books, and a gun is all I had but the interest builds up. Golf clubs were worth more than the car.

TN has a high 9.25% sales tax on basically everything, and we pay a city and county yearly property tax, tags cost $85 a year per vehicle if driven (price based on county) and then the normal IRS yearly paycheck (income) stuff… Enclosed trailers do require tags and of course boats have to be registered, so they know who it belongs to…
Probably why so many people are moving here after selling their homes for around a million $ and buying a much bigger house here for about 1/2 and living like Kings… lol
Of course our houses are jumping in price due to these people, but that is for another time and place…

As far as Gas prices, they are in the $3-$4 and up range the last 3ish years over the $1-$2 range from before 2020…They go up, down, up, down, up, up ,up, down, down, up, down etc etc bla bla… it is what it is, not much I can do about it… So I just gas and go, you either cry about it or laugh about it, either way it will change one way or the other…
Now I only fill up every month or 2, but I used to, before retiring, fill up weekly… When I was having fun driving my hot rod to work almost daily, I filled up every 2-3 days…

I’m too young to stay home doing nothing after work. I love the street, even though I average 10k miles per year. The Lexus is a gas guzzler, so I fill up twice per week from half tank.

I burned through a 13 gallon tank in 80-90 miles in the fun car, heck I burned a 1/4 tank between exits one time (long straight away), thought I was going to run out of gas before I made it to a gas station that was right off the exit. At the location I was working at that time, I was filling up every other day…

Now my not as fun cars got about 300 miles out of about the same size tanks… And I filled them up once a week from about a 1/8 tank…

BTW: Filling up twice a week from a 1/2 a tank is basically filling up once a week… :wink:
If you like to drive, then get out there and drive and enjoy life… :muscle:

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When working 5.333 days each week my fuel cost has been about $85/month. A tank of fuel will last 2 1/2 weeks. This is with two old 4-cylinder front wheel drive cars, both with working air conditioning.

I don’t know how much fuel my neighbor consumes but you did not ask that question.

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I spend about $350-400 per month on gas at current prices, but gas prices vary from place to place and season to season, so what I spend to drive 1800 miles/month may be quite different from what you spend.

My household also spends over $600/month on car insurance for 4 cars, but that includes a 17 year old male driver.

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Maybe $50 a month?

Get good mileage on an almost two-decade old hybrid–40+ MPG and don’t drive that much anymore. Looking forward to my EV recharged from renewables.

I am one of those who think gasoline should be about $8.00 a gallon, with most of that being taxes and fees for the eventual clean-up that fossil fuel production causes.

If you simply tally up the present and future medical costs for the pollution of air and water and soil from fossil fuel production, we need a mandated fund to cover this, like the tobacco settlements. Then there are the costs to agriculture, housing, etc.

Colorado oil and gas wells can’t fund their own cleanup. Taxpayers may foot the bill

This will happen, sooner rather than later. If you do not see that, you are not paying attention! I keep telling my mechanic–get your people cross-trained/re-trained in EV tech.
ICE engines will be like a “hobby steam engines…”

Hate to drive, sheer necessity where I live.

I’m a lifetime skeptical cynic and more often than not my inner voice is right.

You DO have SOME control. Where I live you can join BJs, Costco or two local supermarkets’ discount program. Anyone can sign up with Gas Buddy anywhere. I mean it sounds like you don’t even try to compare prices. Yesterday, by using “Gas Buddy” I saved 17 cents a gallon on high octane ethanol free gas by just reporting the prices at my local station. I buy diesel for the truck using yet another app, which usually brings the price of diesel to less than gas. So there are ways to take some of the pain out.

This is one of the silliest comments I’ve seen here in a long time.

There is no such thing as average. Another silly response.

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Why do you even care if I don’t make a big deal out of gas prices ? Yes, I know about Gas Buddy and I could get in line at Sams Club but I choose not to .

As for Bing making a silly comment. That does not even make the list of top 100 silly comments.