Will You Be Paying More for Gas Starting Monday July 1st?

Come July 1st, some of us will be paying more for gas because our respective states are raising some taxes, some fees, and even adding new and imaginative levies… the Fuel Tax (Gas Tax), the Sales Tax, Excise Tax, Use Fees, and Environmental Fees are all some of the charges…

At my Costco (Newport News, VA) the price of Regular today was $3.089, and Premium was $3.489.

This list shows the projected total state taxes for those states, effective July 1:

California: 69.8 cents per gallon — the highest of all states.
Illinois: 67.1 cents per gallon.
Indiana: 56.1 cents per gallon.
Virginia: 40.4 cents per gallon.
Nebraska: 30.5 cents per gallon.
Colorado: 27.9 cents per gallon.
Missouri: 27.5 cents per gallon.

Here is one of the web sites that seem to explain it the clearest…

I have no idea what I pay for gas or how much of it is taxes . I have to have it and I have no control over the price so that is something I just ignore.


Florida isn’t raising gas taxes. We got a break a couple of years ago because the state was running a surplus in overall taxes.

It is currently 28 cents a gallon for the state but we do pay sales taxes on fuel of 6.5 percent.

Regular in NY has been $3.59c forever. This price is considered relatively cheap for New Yorkers.

I was told no increase for us, but NJ will see an increase.

My Lexus IS gets filled up twice a week.

This is NJ’s status:

  • The gas tax will increase approximately two cents every year for the next five years.

And, in order to make-up for the reduction in gasoline sales revenues, as a result of so many EVs…
The annual registration fee for electric vehicles starts at $250, beginning in July, and rising $10 annually through July 2028.

Like Volvo V70, I don’t even look at the price of gas, because… when I need it, I need it. If the price rises by X cents, I won’t decide to stop driving–just like everyone else.

Luckily, I don’t need gas very often because I drive my PHEV mostly in EV mode. The last time that I bought gas (6.7 gallons) was on May 21st, I’ve since driven almost 1,000 miles, and the gas gauge is still above the 1/2 mark.

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I don’t want to pay any more in taxes than I have to.

Having said that… I can’t control what the tax rate is one gasoline in my state. It’s probably a few more cents, and I don’t care about a few more cents.

What’s the alternative?

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??? This is from someone who gives the impreesion that they don’t have a full time job. Are they really driving around that much for no reason ?

That’s more per gallon but not necessarily more per year since all vehicles get better gas mileage than they used to. EVs are still a small percentage of all vehicles on the road. This is the reason for higher gas taxes. That said, Maryland’s gas tax goes down tomorrow. The decrease is 0.9 cents per gallon after increases in 2022 and 2023.

It costs $175 + $100 lowest tax bracket to title a private sale vehicle in Illinois now. Dealer sales tax is 6.25%. If they can’t get us with the fuel tax then they find another way! Then a year of registration is $151.

There is always a reason.

I don’t even know why I give you my attention on here. You always trolling on the forum.

I paid $3.29 for regular last night. It did go up about 20 cents in the last week. Now I paid $3,75 last night for premium non oxy for the lawn mower. I got 5 gallons for I remember $20 which doesn’t add up for some reason.

I dunno, my expectations are really low now so I dont really care. If we aren’t bombed and the stores are still open, I consider it a successful day. We had a really wild legislative session and article after article in the papers explaining how good it will be for our future. I need new rubber boots if I can find them.

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You’ll have a chance to weigh in w/your opinion on your state’s policies this November.

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If you mean by voting are you ever living in Fantasy Land .

My wife is a DAR (Daughter of the American Revolution) member and I once remarked to her member friends that my ancestors also fought in the American Revolution and they asked if I was a member of the SAR (Sons of the American Revolution), and I laughed, and told them I don’t think I’m eligible… My ancestors wore a Red Coat… (Mother’s side is Scottish…)

Ding ding ding! You just crossed my ‘Oh man, here he goes again’ line. The nuts that claim similarity between today’s situation and that in 1776 base their claims on lies, pure and simple, then wrap themselves in the flag to protect themselves.

@cdaquila - please give this thread a thorough cleaning.


Out of curiosity, how much per week/month do you guys spend on gasoline ?

I always wonder what the average person pays.

I do $200 monthly.

Lets see - not everyone has the same home to work distance - not everyone drives the same vehicle - some people like my neighbor runs a little league Baseball team so he is hauling kids several times a week - some people have heavy traffic all the time - gas prices vary by location .

There is no such thing as average so this is a stupid question.

Are you aware that each time you speak you contradict yourself, Mr. Volvo ? Just yesterday you said I shouldn’t be driving that much as it appeared to you I was a part-time employee. Now you are listing the various activities that could lead to someone driving a lot or a lot less.

Just chill.

I used to pay about $500 a month for gas. Now it varies depending if I need mower gas but $50 to $100 a month.

I pay insurance every six months for about $600 for two cars or about $100 a month. Of course home owners is another $200 a month and of course property taxes are about $3000 every six months or $500 a month.

I don’t worry myself about the cost of gas but am deeply concerned for those living on the edge.

Wow. For two cars? That’s incredibly a blessing compared to mine at $2,418 every 6 months or $403 a month for two vehicles.