Who's the Ugliest of Them All?

Thas Nissan ‘JOKE’ Juke that gets so many votes sure gets mine fo the top spot.
There’s one that goes the same schools as me to pick up our kids.
Looking at it …each and every day …I still wince and re-state…’‘WHY ??’’

It looks as though someone jokingly took the clay model, of an otherwise normal car, and SQUOOSHED it in the middle and production had no clue so they went right ahead and built it THAT way.

Here’s one that really cost Chrysler:

While the Chrysler Airflow was clearly a sales flop, I think it could be argued that it was the epitome of Art Deco design, which was au courant at the time.
Now, if you don’t like Art Deco design, I suppose that it would be plug-ugly.
But, those who like Art Deco design are likely to look on it much more favorably.

I would have to say that most of the NISSAN lineup is fairly ugly, especially the Cube followed closely by the Juke. These are by far the two ugliest vehicles ever made with the possibility of the aforementioned AMC Pacer. Even the Aztek with its quirky body lines is better looking than these nightmarish things from NISSAN. The KIA Soul looks sort of okay except for that odd shaped roof line. Every time I see one of those rolling down the road I half expect the roof to peel off of it.

Excuse Me. Car Talk Says,
" We’re accepting your nominations for the all-round, butt-ugliest ride currently in production. "

Some of you are posting old cars that are no longer in production . . .
. . . and beside that, when cars are taken out of context (in this case it’s the era from which it comes), cars that were once considered beautiful for their day can become ugly by today’s standards. Tastes in cars, clothing, hairstyles, music, everything, change over time.


CSA - if a minor bit of topic creep was forbidden, we’d have VERY short discussions! But true, we’re talking current models. (but the Airflow was considered ugly then, beautiful now)

Texases, OK Then. Sounds Good To Me. Carry On !
That’s some interesting stuff and good photos.

I think a person’s age could have a lot to do with the ugly/beautiful debate, too.


Infiniti QX56. This thing is horrible. Not that it needs it, but it should earn extra ugly points for its 5,800 pound curb weight and its $78,000 window sticker.

Every time I see one of those montrosities being parked (by a tiny woman, of course!), all I can think of is…
The Queen Mary is being berthed.

Since others are bringing older cars into this thread, let me trump it with the Citroen Deux Cheveux (CV2). That has got to be the oogliest car ever.

(I’d roll one if I had a chance, though. They are so ugly, they are almost pretty).

I agree that the 2CV Citroen was an ugly one; it’s knickname in Europe was the “Ugly Duckling” from the Hans Christian Anderson fairy tale. It was cheap to make and operate; the seats even came out and could be used as picnic chairs!

I’ve Seen Those Citroens. They Look Like A Car That Somebody Made In Their Basement. That’s Not the Only Ugly Vehicle Made By That Company. They Have An Aptitude For Ugly.

The paint job really sets it off and the poker chip wheels add a nice touch. What’s with the headlights ? Are they fog adjustable or adjustable for extreme high speed driving ?


My family called those Citroen 2CV’s “sardine cans”–and when the convertible top is peeled back they look even more like sardine cans. I saw a lot of them in Europe on a trip in 1978 and saw a few in Argentina on a trip in 2008, but have only seen one in the US (and that was last year).

Citroen stopped making the 2CV in 1990, after a production run of over 40 years, during which time there were very few changes in the car’s design. While it was ugly as hell, it was the car that enabled the poorer folks in the French countryside to have a car for the first time. In other words, it was sort of the French version of the Model T, albeit a few decades late.

While I have not seen one in this country for many years, I recall being at Tanglewood sometime in the late 50s-early '60s, and seeing one for the first time. Although my parents were there for the music and culture, my attention was riveted to this car that I had previously only seen in photographs.

Although I would be unlikely to be able to locate it, somewhere I might still have a copy of the photo taken of me standing next to that 2CV.

And what the heck are these all about? BAD engineer. NO! NO! NO! You should know better. BAD engineer. NO cookie!

Oh, and let’s not forget anything ever made by Hummer. I could almost forgive its hideousness if it were actully a capable 4x4. But it’s not. One of the most common sights on the trail is a stuck Hummer.

My nomination for worst recent restyle, from great to yecccchhhh:

Simple answer: Spark Sedan (and Front)

The Subaru Tribeca is pretty ugly with a vertical grill like an Edsel. Subaru Outbakcs are getting progressively uglier with each model year

The French have always been good a designing ugly cars. It looks like a lot of the cars being picked as ugly today resemble the old Peugot 504. Remember the Renault Dauphine? If you painted one yellow, it looked just like a lemon.

The KIA Soul!!