Who's the Ugliest of Them All?

Ya know, I just saw something on the road that’s gotta make the list - it’s called a Smart. It’s a tiny (like half a car) 2 seater, and the one I saw was red with a weird white roof…it looked like an giant infected zit!

AMC Hornet, all time ugliest.

Dodge and Jeep have designers that found their diplomas in a box of Pringles… and just some of their monstrosities currently in production are: the Jeep Liberty and the Dodge Avenger.
Starting by their names: How does a square box evokes liberty? and with all my respect, the only thing that the dodge avenges is their buyers bad taste.

P.S. at least Chevrolet got out of that sinister streak of circular stop lights, why can’t Dodge do the same? those circular stop lights of the avenger are so out, I can’t understand why are they still in production

That is a 2013 Scion xD hatchback. My neighbor has one… She takes public transit everyday… I would too

I actually forgive Chevy for the Spark and Tata and Lada for… well, EVERYTHING. They’re not going for style or aesthetics. They just wanted to slap something together and sell it cheap. The Juke is a crime because they seemed to actually be TRYING for style points. FAIL!!!

By far the most disturbing is the Nissan Puke er I mean Juke likes like the aftermath of a pin the lights on a donkey contest!

“Smart for 2” cars are getting common. And yeah, I agree that they’re weird. And very, very overpriced.


When I see a so-called Smart car, all I can think of is the Clown Car from the circus.

Definitely the Smart for Two.

Ugliness is not the worst aspect of the Smart…it’s the name. What’s so smart about a teeny car which gets poorer fuel economy than similarly priced 5 passenger cars with far better crash protection?

I could applaud a car this size (with reputed poor stability in freeway traffic) IF it got 70 or 80 miles per gallon. It gets about half that. Even the 90s vintage Geo Metro with a back seat was worth 50+ mpg. Why doesn’t the much smaller Smartcar do vastly better? I don’t get it.

The Kia Soul hands down

The Smart Car was designed as a city commuter for European cities where parking space is at a premium. The European version has a 3 cylinder diesel and gets very good mileage. But even Consumer Reports cannot recommend it because of all its other shortcomings, and tight Paris style parking is not a problem in the US.

It’s hard to believe that Mercedes designed this car.

The “Smart” concept originated with the Swatch watch company, and initially the idea was sold to VW.
After VW pulled out of the enterprise, Mercedes became Swatch’s partner in this venture, with–IIRC-- Swatch owning 49% and Mercedes owning 51% of the business.

I’m ok with the Juke, compared to the Spark. Designing is really tough, when you consider making everything look like it’s supposed to all be on the same car. I think most brands (Audi, Ford, and Fiat come to mind) do a good job of this, and with the Juke, I can see it. Everything looks like it belongs on that car, even though it’s far from pleasant.

With the Spark, to me it doesn’t look like there was any plan. They took the front and back from the Sonic hatchback, cause people liked that, threw it in a garbage compressor for a few seconds, realized the wheels wouldn’t fit, and then someone drew up some new headlights that allllmost stretched to the A pillar so they just threw in a little black chunk of plastic so they could say they were thinking it from the beginning. Bad call.

@VDCdriver Thanks for reminding me. Nevertheless, the latest design is all Mercedes now, and in Canada they’re sold through Mercedes dealerships as well. The car is a great help to Mercedes to improve their corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) figure.

My dentist, who lives in town and not far from his practice , owns one and swears by it. He regards it as a 4 wheeled motorcycle.

Nissan Juke by far! My wife thinks it looks like it’s about to have a baby!

If the Smart gave, say, 60 mpg on regular, with a good transmission, then folks would have loved it, probably would be considered ‘quirky’ instead of ‘ugly’.

But the Juke? It’s ‘ugly’. Period.

i don’t think they hit that with ugly sticks… maybe ugly logs?

Here are my candidates for cars that are either ugly or beautiful if you believe that form follows function. I actually owned an AMC Pacer X like the one pictured. The others include a 1949 Nash Airflyte, a King Midget and a 1947 Jeep Station Wagon. The Nissan Juke can’t hold a candle to these cars.

The Jeep station wagon was an “honest” square box work horse. The guy Betty Grable ended up marrying in “How to Marry a Millionaire” drove one, in green, as he was a forest ranger. I agree the other three were butt-ugly, about as bad as the AMC Gremlin, a sawed-off Hornet.
The Pacer starred in “Wayne’s World”, a very appropriate vehicle.