The Slick Road did not cause your wreck!

LOL!!! I love it!
If I tried for 1000 years I could not come up with a better example of flawed logic! :slight_smile:

Yeahā€¦I didnā€™t know whether to laugh or to cry when that moron made that statement on camera.
I was actually sitting there with my mouth open, in response to such a bizarre statement.

These same types put on their turn signal and expect all cars around them to instantly vaporize and disappear.

Well, Doc, you certainly canā€™t expect them to turn their heads and to check their mirrors before changing lanes.
That would be too much of an exercise in personal responsibility!

Iā€™ll bet even the newscaster was speechless.

Wow, guess thatā€™s why they call them ā€œparking brakesā€ now. Probably thinks its a parachute or something. Yep when it snows a little in New York and New Jersey, the whole country knows about it. I donā€™t imagine theyā€™ll cover the Nebraska Govenorā€™s inauguration either.

The correct dry road speed limit will almost always be found by measuring car speeds, and setting the limit at the 85th percentile of all drivers. I have read a lot on this, and believe it. The other 15% need to be ticketed.

Agreed that a lot of animal strikes are unavoidable. Iā€™ve had a deer hit me while I was at a dead stop. A large doe broke its neck on the passenger side doors one night. Suicide by Mercuryā€¦
A really bad situation around here is farmers not keeping their fences up and black cattle wandering around on the highway.

A CDL does not necessarily mean the driver is a trained, safe professional though. If you saw some of the oil field drivers around here and the number of wrecked trucksā€¦

@ok,bet they are not all licensed and they probaly squeaked through the drug screen,illegal immigrants,under 25 yrs of age,etc.The CDL helps,but its not a cure all.
Some folks manage to beat the system,but around here the physical screening requirement goes to yearly physicals if you even have borderline high blood pressure(even if its controlled by medication) I look for the same thing to apply if your cholesterol is percieved as being high(have to wait and see on that one but itwouldnt suprise me,[my last bout of cholesterol medicine made me so sick, I swore off it forever]
Some deer seem intent on committing suicide ,speed limits have very little to do with deer strikes,some speed limits make sense,some dont and some should be universal-Kevin

@wheresrick - I NEVER said I drive I-93 in NH. In fact I donā€™t. I donā€™t get on I-93 until MA. In fact all my highway commute is in MA. So any laws NH passes isnā€™t going to effect my commute.

I can see this speed limit business really bothers you, I am calling a law breaker a lawbreaker.

Again - you have this reading comprehension problem. I NEVER EVER said Iā€™m against the 65mph speed limit. Please show me where I did. Iā€™ll wait.

I said - MORE THEN ONCE - Iā€™ll travel at 65 IF the prevailing speed limit is 65. Driving the prevailing speed limit is a LOT safer then driving any other speed then the prevailing speed.

Nice try though. Instead of arguing against other peopleā€™s argumentsā€¦you make up something they said and argue against that to make yourself look good. Sorry - too lateā€¦you lost this argument a LONG TIME AGO.

ā€œIā€™ll bet even the newscaster was speechless.ā€

Unfortunately, I donā€™t think that the female reporter or her editors knew how dangerously wrong that guy was.
I base my opinion on the fact that they repeated that segment on this morningā€™s news program!

It would be fine if they repeated it and gave a warning that the e-brake should not be used, but by repeating it w/o a disclaimer, they may actually have given some other clueless drivers a very bad suggestion for how to drive in an emergency situation.

A lot of mis-information is out there on the media.
Iā€™ve seen , and complained about, commercials ( about how great their battery is ) that show them starting the completely snow covered car, running the front wipers once and driving off !
How absurd !
You are to completely clear ALL of your windows, even the snow on the roof, hood, trunk and lightsā€¦BEFORE driving.
Clear the snow and free the frozen wipers BEFORE turning them on or you break things.
Joe Schmuck sees that ad and thinks itā€™s endorsement of doing that crap.

" I am calling a law breaker a lawbreaker. Nothing less, nothing more. I am sorry if this bothers you, It is something I am passionate about and will argue the point. Are there any other laws you feel are ok to break? "

Well my law professor used to tell us laws are only effective if the majority of the people follow them. You donā€™t have to spend much time looking to find truly silly laws. Which laws do I break? Well using a BB gun in the city limits is a felony-Iā€™m guilty. Having a firearm within 1000 feet of a school-Iā€™m guilty, it was in a case in my trunk as I drove by. Yep, 45 mph limit on a 6 lane expressway?-Iā€™m guilty. Some folks have more faith in the common sense of our legislators and congressmen than I do, but then Iā€™ve seen some of that sausage made. I did however just replace all of my CO and smoke detectors-thatā€™s a law too.

Having a firearm within 1000 feet of a school-I'm guilty, it was in a case in my trunk as I drove by.

I believe that one was ruled unconstitutional on grounds of blocking interstate commerce. There was a similar situation where a municipality had cops watching who was buying fireworks at a legal fireworks stand and stopping those cars as soon as they entered the city limits and charging the drivers with illegal fireworks possession, even though the buyers were just passing through and the drivers lived where fireworks were legal. This was similarly overturned by a higher court.
Likewise, a dry county canā€™t block the beer truckā€™s access to a wet county with its laws.

Do you have a Cdl? I do have to say drivers with CDLs are trained professional drivers who drive big equipment that requires much more skill to get down the road than a regular vehicle.

I guess all of these drivers were NOT the trained professional type. Amazing how they were all in the same area at the same time.

Believe it or not some drivers get by on thier looks or nepotism or something,a lot of young guys think driving a truck is fun for awhile(sooner do that ,then manual labor) and some people drive without the proper certification-Kevin

All our highways were covered with ice this morning so I decided to take a sick day. Itā€™s not like my work is an emergency and even a minor fender bender or even needing a tow would more than cancel out any money I would have made by going to work.
Iā€™ll drive on the snow covered and regularly snow plowed roads up in ski country but I wonā€™t drive on this if I can help it. Itā€™s like an ice skating rink.

When the conditions get bad, Iā€™m always being passed by Semis. I always figured they were able to see better or had better traction than me. Of course when they go by, its a total white-out for a while from the snow they kick up.

Iā€™ve been on two differnt roads ( one muddy, one icy ) where ā€¦standing still was dangerous.
The crown of the road made it physically impossible to driveā€¦in 4x4ā€¦in a straight line !
in low range,
all four wheels slowly turningā€¦and slidingā€¦
I had to maintain a constant left angleā€¦essentially constantly cimbing UP the roadway archā€¦to even hope to go straight down the roadway.
Comming to a full stop resulted in sliding sideways down the slope of the road surface ā€¦so I had to keep slowly under power going at this oddball angle just to stay up on the road !