You don’t know what a wheel hub is?
Then the bolt was probably rusted and slightly under sized.
I’ll say it again, remove the steering knuckle and use an impact (manual) driver to remove the bolt… You will have plenty of room to do whatever with it off the car…
Is there room to get a pipe wrench on it?
It’s been quite a few years but mine came out no problem. Seems to me they were Allen bolts though and it may have lock titebon them. Wonder if the socket wasn’t down all the way or bad socket. One of mine came loose so I used lock tite afterwards.
Nothing worse than “looseage”.
I wouldn’t even consider using a 3/8" drive socket on something like that.
Those are usually very tight and often have threadlocker on them from the manufacturer.
1/2" drive ratcheting breaker bar w/ 6pt sockets and, if it fits, an impact socket for additional wall thickness. The bigger you go, the less stress you have to impart and the more control you can have so it doesn’t tilt off the head while you’re straining…
Here is the exact bolt. It’s an almost 100 ft-lb bolt that’s 17 years old. Try a 3/8’ breaker bar and short socket as shown here. As you can see, even that barely fits above the axle. An extension or flex/wobble socket/extension is asking for trouble on an almost 100 ft-lb 13mm bolt with a shallow head. Agreed with Dave to remove the steering knuckle but try this first if you haven’t already.
Well an extension will get you beyond the boot but have to try hard to keep the socket in place.
I have jacked up knuckle in past to make angle better. Kind of extreme. You can turn wheel to get a bit better angle.