"Running your car with water" websites

There are several websites that suggest that with about $160 of simple parts my car can use some water–converted to hydrogen–to supplement my gasoline and improve my mileage.

I’ve asked our mechanic about this and he basically blew off the question.

I’d really like to know if this is feasible as we have a car we love (2000 Chevy Express Van) that gets only 14-16 mpg.

Your mechanic is correct. This is a scam.

Because every auto manufacturer wants to have whatever marketing advantage they can achieve, you have to ask yourself the following question:

If this concept is valid, why hasn’t GM, or Ford, or Toyota, or Honda, or… purchased the rights to this process?

The answer, of course, is that the engineers at these car companies (as well as anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of physics) recognize this pseudo-science for the scam that it is. Don’t waste your money.

Check posts last week thread gave a link to a newspaper story,basically warnings and test results from E.P.A and local BBB all are scams.Unless you think there is a conspiracy these reports should satisfy.

Your mechanic has the right attitude about this scam. Several of these sites even advertise for “mechanics” to become part of their network and sell/install these things.

I can just imagine the multitude of disgruntled purchasers who would be back within a week or two screaming for their money back from any shop stupid enough to sign on to something like this.

The best way to improve mileage is to go the speed limit, accelerate slowly, and brake slowly if possible. Try to ease up to a traffic light so that you do not have to stop. Stay to the right so that you don’t get too many people in a snit. The worst way to improve mileage is to buy one of these kits. They do not work. The EPA tested dozens of them and they all have something in common: they don’t work.


'nuff said?

It’s funny. I went to the Singletary story on the WaPo. In the lower right corner was a google ad advertising the “water for gas” websites.

I must admit, I had the same reactions: this must be a scam; why haven’t the car companies tried this, etc. And I’m sure it’s correct. But then I’d like to understand the video of the guy welding with a hydrogen flame that cool enough to put your finger in without burning. I’m old enough to have seen many scams and I’m sure this is one, but still…I’d love it if some of you would go see the website and explain the faults.