New tesla electric charging stations at the supermarket. Edumicate me

It actually makes perfect sense that someone did something that makes no sense! For her to use the technology she paid for, to put it in southern terms, “that would be too much like right”.

\\\\ Rite on.///////

I have a smartphone that gets carried around in the car, just in case I break down. Which, between preventive maintenance and it being a Toyota, hasn’t happened in years. My average monthly phone bill is $9. No calls or texts come with that, but as mentioned, I never make them. It’s just an emergency phone. My wife carries a flip phone for the same reason: emergencies.

This is a joke, right? The only reason I have a cellphone is because it is necessary for my job, and the company provides it. I am allowed to make personal phone calls, text messages, and internet access when I am off the clock, but I am not allowed to load software onto the phone.

If I did not have a company phone, it is unlikely I would spend $80 per month or more to have one, because I already have a home phone and home internet. I don’t use app-based services, and would never load my credit cards or bank accounts onto a cellphone.


Well that extra $275 a month for me wife and daughter could be a start :wink:


Just saw a commercial, you can check into a Hilton and unlock your door wirh a smartphone… That is pretty scary to me, a former internet security guy. Things are out there, Google warns me too many of my passwords are the same, assumption is they are tracking my passwords. Google or whoever save credit card? No Way (low risk websites for any personal info for same password) . I am probably old school but in light of all the major data breeches better safe than sorry. n September of 2017, Equifax announced a data breach that exposed the personal information of 147 million people.
Equifax Data Breach Settlement | Federal Trade Commission

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Different strokes for different folks.
Some people are happy using only an antenna for their television, whereas I want to watch TCM, I don’t need TCM.
Same with phones, for years I got by with a flip phone that only charged per minute of use. Now I feel naked if I forget my phone. Used to be that way with my wristwatch, felt naked. Haven’t worn one in years, just glance at the dashboard or my phone for the time. Have an appointment, set an alarm in my phone, have alarms set through next November.
Landline? Yes, I have one, it is unplugged, 10+ telemarketing calls per day. Why do I have it? Part of the cable WiFi bundle, dump the phone cable bill increases.
Rarely used but I like the ability to start, lock, unlock, check my tire pressures on my phone before going out the door.
When I was in grade school, we had three TV channels, carried water from the pump house to the kitchen, and went to a little house outdoors to use the bathroom. No, I like the conveniences we have.
Tesla charging stations, there are some outside one of the chain sports bars, you and your car can get loaded at the same time. BTW, that does not apply to me, I have an ICE.


Sadly, that is not true. Inflation is an insidious reduction in the standard of living. It has eaten up that increase in pay as well as decreased the value of savings.


Government actions can greatly affect inflation. Specifically over-expansion of the money supply. Basically printing money with nothing to back it up… what the US has been doing lately. One of the Demand-Pull factors referenced in the link below.


I have relatives who live in NYC. Some are in their 80’s. Never had a drivers license. And until 5 years ago so no need in owning a mobile phone. What changed their mind was the lack of pay phones. Well over 90% of all pay phones have been removed across this country. You want to make a phone call while you’re not at home or work…you either need a mobile phone or borrow one.


I used a flip-phone for years.
I finally got a smart phone a few years back after going to work conferences where the schedule for the week was only available via a smart phone app. That plus the need to interact with customers while on the road.

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You need to shop around if that is the best rate that you have seen. You can get ultra-reliable service from T-Mobile for a fraction of that price.


Honda uses J1772 connectors that go into just about everything. They typically give about 7kwh. Yes Tesla has an adapter for that. I see many Teslas hooked up to a L2 charging station that use the J1772 even when there are superchargers a mile away in either direction.

No it’s not preferred. It’s preferable to sitting for 4 hrs at an L2 charger but superchargers have a deteriorating effect on battery life. Constant supercharger use is to be avoided.

Wrong, wrong, wrong, unless Wall St is suddenly allowed to print money. The cause of inflation is the government, namely the Federal Reserve, printing money beyond the value of goods we produce and it’s almost always rampant after the end of a war, during which we borrowed more heavily than usual. The government starts paying back money it borrowed with inflated dollars. It’s a great system, in essence borrow $1and pay back with a dollar that’s worth 80¢.
Late Forties, Fifties, late Seventies(for Vietnam) and now the end of the Iraq/Afghanistan, 20 years of shameless borrowing. Anyone remember the late Seventies - early 80’s?

Each year our congress authorizes a budget for our military that exceeds the spending of the next ten(10) countries combined. This is all for the benefit of the rich and powerful. They borrow your son’s and daughters too but sometimes they can’t give them back.

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Check the Consumer Price Index. Most of this round of inflation is due to higher energy costs. How does the US Government control that? It is largely an increase in energy costs. They track piped natural gas and gasoline and gasoline is up 50% normalized on an annual basis, natural gas up about 25%. Do governments control that? Those in OPEC do, but we aren’t part of that organization. Without the energy contribution, prices are not far off what they were a year ago.

WHAT??? Where did you get this crap? There are times that printing more money will cause hyperinflation. But it’s not the only cause of inflation. Inflation is caused by the decline of purchasing power over time. If the Gov printing more money was the only cause then we wouldn’t have seen world wide inflation all over the world back in the late 70’s and early 80’s.

Labor shortage causes inflation…So does supply shortages. We currently have both. The housing market shortage is one of the biggest causes of inflation. The current chip shortage is also helping increase inflation.


What you’re saying is conflating various issues. Inflation isn’t caused by, it is the decline of purchasing power.
Economics is a very complex matter, more than just CPI or the cost of oil. There is a basic difference between paying more because something is scarce and paying more because your money is worth less.
Volker, the Fed chairman in the early 80’s, cutoff the money supply. The US economy did a face plant into the windshield. Until that point mortgages were nearing 15%. You could buy a new car and sell it a year later for what you paid for it. That’s inflation!!! Price of gas going up 40¢ isn’t due to inflation it’s speculators in the commodity markets. Cars are more expensive because of supply shortages not because your buck is worth less, supply and demand. A bit of inflation is necessary in a capitalist system. It’s a pyramid scheme, an expanding economy that needs an ever expanding population. That’s why immigrants are necessary. They form the base of the pyramid, performing the most menial, lowest paying tasks.

6.2 percent is well more than it’s been for awhile. My SS has gone up more than it has in the last 5 plus years combined.
Speculators sending the price up on the commodities markets isn’t inflation. Paying more for an essential item like a car because of parts shortages isn’t inflation. To stay in business, dealers need to earn on fewer sales.
Economics is complicated. It’s easy to conflate things; Trade deficits, surpluses, commodities, currency exchange rates, what the Fed charges for borrowing.
Prices are going up a bunch and have gone up already. Capitalist system needs a bit of inflation to keep the economy expanding. It’s the rate of inflation that matters and that’s where the printing presses come in. We need to pay back what we borrowed for 20 years, for Iraq/Afghanistan.

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You haven’t a clue.

What Are the Causes of Inflation? - SmartAsset

Causes of Inflation - Economics Help

How the supply chain caused current inflation, and why it might be here to stay | PBS NewsHour

The Feds increased interest rates to starve off inflation. This is a typical tattic.

But all your bolstering didn’t explain inflation in other countries.