Lambrecht Chevrolet Auction

I had the exact same thoughts as ok4450, regarding the woman from Australia.
It was bad enough that she grossly overpaid for a plain-Jane Chevy 210 that needs a major investment in order to restore it. But…she had no clue regarding how she would transport it back home.

It really does appear that many folks lack common sense, and will throw ridiculous amounts of money at things that are just not worthwhile investments.

Yes, I realize that some things are intangible, and if somebody really wants an old classic, they will pay whatever it takes, but…simply stalking the classified ads in Hemmings Motor News for a few months would likely yield a better car, at a substantially lower price.
Go figure!

Like many here say, a car ages through time as well as mileage. So would I rather have a 59 Chevy with 10 miles that’s been sitting for 50 years, or one that has 60-70K on it that was driven on Sundays? Outside of the bragging value, I’d rather have one that had been used and cared for. Still you could buy fully restored cars for the same or less than what was paid here. I hope its just not sour grapes for me since it would be fun to have one, but a little common sense?