I have a hood bolt missing. the one i had needed to be tightened

?? What “hardware” store do you go to? Walmart? The Dollar Store? Try another. The standard ones I find are 5’s but it’s not hard to find the stronger ones either. And no, for a hood mount it doesn’t matter a whole lot.

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Remember the good old days when you only had to figure out the bolt size and thread pitch?

If the OP is still afraid that the bolt will come loose, he should get a “Grade 12” bolt and torque it to 1000 foot-pounds and then to ensure it still will not come loose, Heliarc weld it in place… L :grinning: L . . .

But for all who are still confused about the bolts in their tool box, junk draw, or at their friendly hardware store, here is a pretty usable Bolt’s Markings Chart…

That softest bolts are of course, Grade 1, and they are made of “Play-Doh” and are used to hold the horn on your child’s tricycle… and the hardest are the ASTM A490 and they are made of “artificial metal alloy called adamantium” (the metal in the “Wolverine’s” bones and claws…) and it is used to hold the Earth in orbit around the Sun… L :laughing: L . . .

Home Depot 8 mm bolts are grade 8.8 (Ace Hardware site too difficult to navigate).

ACE also carry’s the good stuff, it almost seems like they have 10 different types or more of whatever size bolt/nut you are looking for…

But I am still trying to figure out why the OP’s hood bolts are loose and falling out anyway?
Unless a shop left them loose when R&Ring the engine or been wrecked… If wrecked and making noise, no telling where noises could be coming from, and if someone had the engine out and didn’t even tighten up the hood bolts, what else is loose on the vehicle??

Anybody else randomly have hood bolts fall off their vehicles for no reason??

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Just consider the source. :wink:


True Value, Home Depot, Lowe's. I found about about this when I lost a bolt, used one from my jars of parts, had it break. The naïve purchaser, which OP may be, may not know enough to get a stronger bolt if s/he just asks the store-person for help.

Considering that most of the bolts at hardware stores are used to hold lumber together statically, what’s wrong with SAE 2?

From what I read 2 is what you get if there’s no number on the head of the bolt - do I have this wrong?

The metric bolts are probably special. I was talking about the stuff in the open bins that you can buy by the box.

That’s not what you typed.


He also said that doing a 13 page Pro level mod to the valve body of a 700R4 is not complicated…

But yet can’t figure out how to match up a simple hood bolt…
Wonder what he would do when he got just one of many spool valves turned around and or spring in the wrong location??


Other than transmission specialists pros, very few people would be able to figure that out. It took me over an hour just to figure out how my lawnmower’s speed-governor carb linkages connected. And there’s only 2 connections, each w/2 possibilities. Admittedly, I should have drawn a diagram when I took it apart in the first place … lol …

People with ten phones, now I understand the chip shortage…

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And the global e-waste issue.


Good grief, what a waste especially from someone who claims to be smarter than the average bear.

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I’m right there with you dave. I actually hate changing electronics. It’s a lot like work.

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For some reason Samsung didn’t make that easy on my cell phones anyway. It’s relatively easy to plug the cell-phone into a computer and see the folders & files, but when you open the folder titled “Photos”, it is empty … the photo jpg files are actually in another folder having a name completely unrelated to photos, something like “xye397017” … So why did the software folks name it that? … go figure! … lol …

I used Samsung Smart Switch app to transfer everything over to my new phone, took a while but it was easy…

I’m right there with you dave. I actually hate changing electronics. It’s a lot like work.

Funny, the post you replied to was flagged and deleted this morning saying:
Your post was flagged as off-topic : the community feels it is not a good fit for the topic,

Yet other post about cell phones are still here… :rofl:

My reply, regarding a cell phone, was flagged and removed.

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I guess mine was flagged too but gave no reason and flagged. I have no idea what it was but I would only suggest to back off some. You might find yourself in the sandbox alone, just like when you were a kid.

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LOTS of my posts have also been flagged and removed lately

I’m going to say it again


You might also consider this . . .

those posts that were flagged and removed were “liked” by several people, so my comments clearly aren’t nonsense

Just because my posts were flagged and removed doesn’t mean my posts didn’t happen

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