I can't stay logged in

Methinks there is a cookie problem. It happens to me all the time with firefox on different computers.

@cdaquila‌, I have had trouble for 3 days staying logged in. When I log in it takes me to the topics page. When I go back to the topic I was viewing, it sometimes logs me out again.

Ditto to what jtsanders stated.
After I log on, simply going from one page to another, or from one thread to another is enough to make it necessary to log on again.

This is hardly the biggest problem that I will ever face in life, but…this should be relatively easy to remedy–I think.

I’m still getting error messages. Will ask again.

Apparently Vanilla is deploying some changes to address the problem, and improvement should be seen by tomorrow. I appreciate your patience!


I don’t believe firefox has anything to do with it

I’m not even using firefox, and I’m experiencing these problems

It would so tempting to blame firefox, internet explorer, etc. but they don’t have anything to do with it, in my opinion

Two PCs operating here; one running Firefox and the other running IE. This problem is popping up on both of them.

I have found if you log in on one tab, log in on another tab, and use the second tab logout issues are diminished. edit not working anymore, sorry! Had to sign in again!


“I honestly think this site will be going the way of the dinosaurs soon.”

I’m hopeful, and I really like this website . . .

But I fear you may be on to something

I just hope we will get a heads up warning, at least a few days ahead of time

It would be a shame if I woke up one morning, just to discover it’s gone, in the blink of an eye

But that is exactly what happened to several of my favorite websites, over the years. And in most cases, I never did figure out what was the final straw

It’s driving me nuts by now. More often that not I can’t do a thing and stay logged in. I can’t log in and stay logged in. Note that I said “more often than not” - so I have a rare window to leave a reply.

Thanks for looking into it Carolyn (or, excuse me, @cdaquila).

By all means, I would rather you all called me Carolyn. The bat signal does make it easier to track when someone is trying to page me, but my username has been my username for nearly seven years now. In other news, I’ll be really happy when I don’t get bounced out every time I return! Will keep you posted.

LOL Carolyn. I added the bat signal as an edit since I knew it was the way you would hear my plea!

Actually, in this case, I’m following the discussion and get notifications every time anybody comments, so you could call me anything and I would figure it out eventually!

“so you could call me anything”

After having been around this long, I’m a little surprised you would leave your self open like that!

The pic is a nice addition, btw.

Please give me some credit. I saw the opening and left it there, wondering whether anybody would take the bait. Well done.

“…so you can call me anything…”

Except late for dinner. Carolyn, I still have the logout problems. I don’t want to be a broken record, but you need to know.

@jtsanders‌, I had to log in twice to respond. I know, and I can only ask your continued patience.

Just so you know, I have not had this problem. I did have the running script problem a while back, but no unwanted log-outs.

I am running Firefox 28, but on Mint Linux. I realize that would not seem to be relevant but one never knows for sure. Thought I’d mention it.

@irlandes‌, thanks for chiming in. I was beginning to feel a bit hopeless!

So Carolyn, What are you offering in return for continued patience? Unending admiration? Or good old fashioned bribes? Every time I hear people refer to offline stuff as “in real life”, I wonder why things you do in cyberspace don’t count as “real life.” And then I remember. When things go wrong online there are no complimentary coffee and doughnuts while you wait. So I’m betting we will have to settle for unending (or at least temporary) admiration. :wink: