Hyundai needs to keep trying

Maybe this is encouraged by owners of cars using a quart every 400 miles that Kia won’t fix…

Leave the doors open parked in sketchy neighborhood…

Gosh, officer, must have been one of those Tik Tok thefts… :wink:


That is entirely possible!
Back in the late '60s, my brother had the misfortune to own a Datsun SPL-310 (the same model that was previously badged as the Fairlady), and it was so incredibly bad that we seriously considered pushing it off a cliff and filing an insurance claim. Luckily, good sense prevailed, and we didn’t do it.

Several months later, someone actually bought that totally-rusted turd on wheels, and my brother was incredibly relieved to have been able to get rid of it.

I considered parking my 83 Firebird on 8 mile Rd in Detroit with the keys in it, it was such crap. Traded it in on my first Ford… while working for GM.

Similarly, I knew someone who had a Simca, and he claimed that he parked it in Manhattan–with the keys in the ignition–a couple of times, but… no dice… no car thief was dumb enough to want that Simca.


Simca… founded by Fiat, built in France and bought by Chrysler to sell in the US… What could possibly be right about that?? :rofl:

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The security fix only works if the user actually locks the doors using the key fob.

Why not just put a hose clamp with a security screw or something around the ignition cylinder lock so the TikTok method won’t work?

Is anyone pressuring tiktok to take down the videos?

Ha ha, must have been afraid of a felony conviction. Stops them dead every time sarc,.

I’ve stated my opinion on this before…how on Earth have we come to a mentality so low that when a thief steals a car we blame the car?


That doesn’t seem like much of a burden on the car owner. Is there a reason the owner’s aren’t locking the doors using that method?

I doubt that would have much of an effect. Versions of those videos, and related text/photo files, are probably all over the internet by now.

Good point, but if their cars had good anti-theft protection at one time, and now they don’t, seems like a good question to ask why. For example, is the problem that they had to add so much computer code to address emissions improvement, they were forced to make room in the computer’s memory by eliminating/modifying the prior security function? If that’s the case, then it seem definitely worth discussing if a better evap system check algorithm (for example) is worth the compromise of the car being easier to steal.

Many Hyundai and Kia vehicles are still vulnerable to theft, the software upgrade for most Hyundai vehicles should become available this month.

Oh that is easy, it is everyone that is saying the criminals have more rights then the victims, there is NO accountability for their actions today…

If I go on I will upset a large amount on here so I will stop…


I’m sort of the opinion that folks committing relatively minor offenses for the first time, perhaps they didn’t even realize it was illegal, should be given some leeway, issued a warning for example, but crack down hard if they do it again after the warning. Stealing a car isn’t a relatively minor offense, and unlikely the person doing it could believe it wasn’t illegal, so off to jail if caught and convicted of vehicle theft imo. Of course my opinion doesn’t matter at all, it is what the elected politicians think that matters.

This exaggeration is in essence a straw man argument.
Can you point out 3 examples of anyone saying this?

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Subway crime in NY, they arrest a criminals and release him very fast and they are right back out doing the same thing sometimes killing someone…

ALL the people breaking into the stores and looting on camera and not being arrested… Stores are closing up left and right leaving these cities due to the high crime rate…

Their is all kinds of examples if you open your eyes, but of course the main stream media is not talking about this because they think criminals have more rights…

Anyway, I am backing out of the politics as this is a vehicle forum and not a political forum, lol

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No no no no no no. They got rid of any mechanical means of making it difficult to remove the ignition cylidner lock, which operates the steering wheel lock. Normally the key is required or some more expensive tool is needed and some skill and time is needed to remove the lock. Ford uses bolts with heads that break off.

The software thing would only be an upsell to using a keyfob and having push button start to have normal security.

Hyundai made a business decision to not provide all the anti theft systems on their inexpensive cars that they do on their most expensive ones to save money and pass some of the savings to the customer. It seems to have backfired on them. Hyundai now provides steering wheel locks as an interim solution hoping that if a casual thief participating in the Hyundai/Kia Challenge might go to the next car without this device. At least local county distributes the steering wheel locks, purchased by Hyundai, as a service to their residents through local police offices.

On the subject of shoplifting: my daughter worked at a mall near her university while she still went there, and for a while after she graduated until she got a more career related job. The mall had a lot of shoplifting problems. The corporate policy was to notify the manager immediately and not interfere with the theft out of concern for employee safety. They considered employee safet more important than the value of the products stolen. Anyway, the manager would notify mall security immediately and mall security would handle the thieves. Depending on the location of the store relative to exits, security may have been able to stop the thieves.

Well organized thieves would send everlasting people in with bags and sweep items on display into the bags until they were full and then run out. It’s pretty hard to stop a well run theft ring if they are in the store for less than one minute.

In NYC, the city is distributing free Apple Air Tags in an effort to reduce car thefts. These devices are being bought by a civic organization, and the city is distributing them:

Back in the late '70s, I had a second job to supplement my paltry pay as an educator.
I worked at a regional department store (Abraham & Straus), and there was one particular exit from the store that was favored by the gangs of shoplifters that plagued the mall. If I was stationed at the cash register closest to that “problem” door, I could push a button concealed behind the counter, which would lock those doors in order to prevent the grab & go gang from exiting. When that happened, security and the local PD were automatically summoned.

Naturally, this gambit was “unofficial” because it violated the fire code, but it helped… a bit.

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Ok, I think I understand now, Hyundai decided to use less expensive (to manufacture & install) ignition lock mechanisms and these mechanisms are easier for a thief to defeat than the prior model year’s type.

Not an expert in this area, but it seems like any physical lock mechanism can be defeated given enough applied force, security screws or not, and the only way to actually thwart ambitious car thieves is electronically, requiring an encrypted-to-the-car key fob to start the engine, even after the mechanical ignition & steering lock is defeated.