HHO add ons.... Wait! Please listen OK?

All I can say is there are people out there that would give you the shirt off their back, people that donate their time and hard earned money to helping others, ‘average’ people that are basically good but don’t often go the extra mile, and parasites that actively make the world worse by preying on the innocent and hopeful. I’m sure I’m no saint in life, but people that enrich themselves by deceiving people or from the sweat of others really turn my stomach. At least people like this give leeches someone to feel superior to.

The contact info is kind of amusing. No email address, no physical address, and 2 alleged pics of the operation with the outdoor sign (assuming it’s not Photoshopped) appearing to be one of a deck of cards to be rotated at will.
Call 928 number and they will get back to you…

Maybe the OP can use the following as part of their now 2 year long quest to sort this out. :wink:


The OP doesn’t work for this company. Ever see those “Work at Home” adds on TV and the internet. Well this is what those jobs are. They hire these high-school dropouts to post these spam adds on the legitimate sites. They try to convince other people in the community they are a legitimate poster. It really amazes this type of advertising even works. But in reality it does. The same people fall for the Nigerian scam…and they are faithful watchers of Taps. Luckily we seem to have a more sophisticated audience here that they don’t get too far when they do post here.

The only thing I can figure is that the sucker pool breeds far faster than the number who have learned a valuable lesson.

I’ve concluded that a few percent of people will believe ANYTHING if it’s presented with enthusiasm and sincerity.

The only thing I can say is that there are far too many people out there lacking basic science and critical thinking skills. I find it hard to criticize someone for not knowing what the primary and secondary schools should have taught them.

I should add that whereas I’m not good at financial things, if I were to go looking for serious financial investment (big money), I probably would have gotten suckered into dirivatives, just like so many others did. Or some other scheme by a fast-talking financial salesman with a slick website. Again, it’s hard to fault those that did.

I’m reluctant to critcize those who fall for these schemes. The power of a good scam cannot be underestimated. The best I hope for is that we can expose those that are brought to our attention here.

I dunno TSM. I tend to think that there comes a point in time where you need to take responsibility to learn stuff yourself if school didn’t teach it to you, and you need to apply common sense to your method of learning it. So, for example, with financial investing, I’m not going to ask the stock broker who makes money every time I make a transaction whether I do well or not. He isn’t motivated to make me money - he’s motivated to make me buy and sell stuff every five seconds. I’m going to ask my accountant, who only makes money if I can afford to pay for his services, which means he’d better give me good advice if he wants to eat.

Regarding science, there really isn’t any excuse. In general we get a good enough science education in K-12 that we can at least understand how science works. I’m not saying kids are graduating from high school ready to go teach Stephen Hawking a few things, but anyone graduating from high school who does not understand the basic principles of science and instead believes in magic generally can shoulder quite a bit of the blame themselves.

I see your point, shadow, but when we get to that point people who are mechanically oriented tend to begin to learn mechanical stuff, people who are numbers oriented tend to learn financial stuff, people interested in biology tend to learn medical stuff, and so on. And far too many graduate HS without the foundation to do any of these things. It’s easy for someone who knows little about a subject to get scammed.

I’m only saying that I’m reluctant to blame the victim for being scammed. And I’m adding to that my feeling that there’d be far fewer people scammed if they had the skills they should have been required to acquire in the primary and secondary education systems.

I agree with you mountainbike but with the internet it’s not difficult for someone to simply spend 10 minutes browsing around and researching a product or issue. They could even check the BBB report, which in this case is an F.

My wife is an intelligent woman and heavily numbers oriented as a bookkeeper, auditor, and so on.
I walked in one evening about 15 years ago to find that someone had knocked on the door and she fell for that frozen meat off of the truck scam. This led to one whale of a ruckus and she was totally oblivious of what she had actually paid for it. I’m still torqued to this day about it.

I’m not blaming the victim for anything personally. My assessment of blame lies fully on those that would try to improve their lot in life in whatever way by taking away from someone else, especially when the other person is likely already in a precarious position in life, whether financially, emotionally, or otherwise.

IMHO, it’s not usually people with a large amount of disposable income that buy this kind of crap, but those that already have their credit cards maxed out and are one missed payment from repossession/eviction. People that have already made mistakes and are hard-bitten by life.

You guys make good points.

Which reminds me, I have to pick up some “Instant Weight Loss” pills on the way home…

@ok4450 Agreed. If the explanation for something doesn’t make sense, or you don’t understand it, you should research it.

If someone tells me that HHO will make my car faster, or more efficient, or both, then it seems logical to find out what HHO is. And the first Google entry on HHO is the wikipedia page which has a very clear paragraph about how HHO-“powered” cars are BS.

Or, put more simply, if someone tries to tell you something that would require magic in order to work, you should realize that they are not Harry Potter, and you should therefore find out what the actual claim is and whether or not the actual claim will work.

And if, as an adult who is legally allowed to vote, you cannot distinguish between science and magic, then it is your responsibility to educate yourself such that you can, because once you stop playing with Matchbox cars and start playing with real ones, it’s time to put believing in magical fairy dust behind you.

You don’t have to be a scientist - you just have to have the internet.

mountainbike, the Really Special Pills That Are Guaranteed To Work are only available from an 800 number with no obvious storefront.