Group Therapy Session Needed... Assemble the Council

1968 has always been my favorite. I haven’t seen a 1967 for many years.

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If there is such a committee, I suspect Caroline has beat us all to it for sessions. Boys will be boys and sometimes noses get bloodied. :sweat_smile:


Yes @bing and @Mikedrives there is indeed an oversight committee for this designation and they aren’t playing around. The 4 hour test is grueling, the committee members solemn and dour, the hats…pointed…the doughnuts however were fresh. I received my official designation of “De Facto Idioto” back in 00’ I believe it was… so I have nearly 2 decades as a factual verified idiot.

Recently, I have been notified by the committee that I have exceeded their wildest intellectual performance expectations, such that, they believe I qualify for and may have the aptitude to achieve their new and updated Sovereign Citizen Moron Designation… A mouthful I know, however not being one to back down from professional and educational betterment, I am now signed up for and anxiously awaiting my new test date with the committee.

While I have proudly flown the De Facto Idioto Flag with pride, I may now be able to fly another, albeit higher flag…Wish me luck gents…


That is a standard we all strive for. I like certificates too. It means I don’t have to paint the wall as often.


The combination of info and a sense of humor is why I read these threads. It’s so much better than reading the world news.


Agreed @wentwest but posts like mine tend to get one in trouble however. Some people actually flag them as off topic. I’m a big proponent of off topic so I cant talk.


Seem to be talking just fine.

Those are the voices in my head @wentwest be careful you may be tuning in too hard to Blackbird… lol


:palm_tree: :sunglasses::palm_tree:

Turning up the thermostat didn’t help, so we rented a house in Cape Coral for a couple weeks. BIL and SIL will be sharing. Kid is going back your way again to Anna Maria later on though. I hear if you wrestle with an alligator you should grab their snout and hold it closed. That they don’t have much strength opening their jaws. I’m not sure how you’d do that and call 911 at the same time though. Maybe just scream a while.

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Just roll them over on their backs and rub their belly Bing. That mesmerzes them. My one armed neighbor swears that works great.


I was driving through alligator alley, stopped at a lookout, did not see any alligators, but after throwing a few crackers to the seagulls was near attacked by hungry birds. A little electric tape, for the snout then call 911, or get to your car and drive away.

We have definitely run this thread into the swamp. Even found a way to incorporate alligators into it. Oh the Humanity ! LOL

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Our fleet’s small equipment shop literally works on gators

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Nice one @db4690 … and quite valid to boot. I actually worked on quite a few of these before.

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So reminiscent of a unimog, with a very difficult transmission I was given one night to plow alleys, beat the garbage truck with a plow I was given once, it was nicknamed a sow with a plow!

The kid? Are you the “kid,” or do you literally mean your kid? I’m going to take a lot of water, brave the heat, and ride my bicycle out to and down AMI today while my wife’s at aqua aerobics.
:palm_tree: :sunglasses: :palm_tree:

Yeah son’s family.

Well, GF went to UF, so has a Gator on her car.