Durable Spray Bottle for Polymer

I like to spray ATP 205 on the rubber hoses and other areas where rubber is present to preserve them.

The issue is even high quality spray bottles can only be used one time. I do not know the cause - is it drying up?

Tips or spray bottle recommendations?

What you’re trying to spray is not compatible with plastic spray bottles. It’s probably damaging the seals in the pump of the bottle.

Why are using this stuff on the hoses and other rubber?

Not all rubber is the same in a vehicle.


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That is not what that product is for.

Use this

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I use a small $1 spray bottle from Walmart for AT-205. Equate 8 oz plastic spray bottle. Doesn’t seem to be affected by the AT-205 and the size is good for getting into small spaces.

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If you have a link from Walmart, pls share it. Thank you

Why would you need a link ? Just pick one up the next time you are in Wally World.

Appreciate if you could share a link or a post a photo or the UPC for the spray bottle from Walmart. Thank you

Here’s the Walmart link. BTW, it’s an AT sealant. The 8-oz bottle (no sprayer) is $21.11. It doesn’t actually ask if you are a robot or not. It’s an equal opportunity link.

Sorry - I was looking for the link for the “small $1 spray bottle from Walmart”.

I don’t know how to link to the info on the Walmart app and I don’t see a uspc code. The manufacturers part # is eqsb0812144. 8 oz small spray bottle $1.

Thank you - its the pink bottle - SKU is in the URL itself, 192243842:

It preserves them.
If you spray annually, you will not have to change those parts.
It will not become hard and crack.

It’s a hydraulic system sealer.

Nowhere on the package does it say it conditions and preserves all types of rubber.

When did you acquire your degree in chemistry that you know that this stuff can be used for that purpose?



Even Mr. Google has articles saying that 205 is not meant for external use . There are actual products for that purpose. The fact that it does not come in a spray bottle should tell you something.


Never once in my entire driving life have I given any thought to spraying anything on my rubber hoses under the hood.

Are you trying to “shine them up” for appearance, maybe?

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Online finding:

Yes, ATP 205 (also known as AT-205) can help prolong the life of rubber hoses when applied correctly. This product is designed to rejuvenate and condition rubber components, which can help extend their lifespan15.

When applied to rubber hoses, ATP 205 can:

  1. Restore flexibility to aging rubber1
  2. Help prevent cracking and deterioration1
  3. Improve the overall condition of rubber components5

However, it’s important to note a few caveats:

  • ATP 205 is not a permanent solution and will not fix already damaged or severely deteriorated rubber1.
  • It works best as a preventative measure or on rubber that is still in relatively good condition1.
  • Some users have reported mixed results, so its effectiveness may vary depending on the specific application and condition of the rubber4.

While ATP 205 can be beneficial for many rubber components, including hoses, it’s crucial to use it properly and avoid applying it to certain areas:

  • Be cautious when using it on external rubber parts exposed to the elements1.
  • Avoid applying it to brake hoses or other critical safety components without proper research and caution3.

In conclusion, while ATP 205 can help prolong the life of rubber hoses in many cases, it should be used as part of a regular maintenance routine rather than a cure-all solution for severely damaged rubber components.


  1. atp 205 on rubber parts – Submit Your Question HERE – Ask Scotty Community
  2. ATP AT-205 Re-Seal – Page 2 – Submit Your Question HERE – Ask Scotty Community
  3. Reddit - The heart of the internet
  4. https://bobistheoilguy.com/forums/threads/atp-205-in-enginefor-preventive-maintenance.357497/
  5. At-205 Fix For Turbo Rubber Seal?
  6. AT-205 - Really?! | IH8MUD Forum
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFhym1_X4ls

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References 1 to 4 are all topical applications and all refer back to Scotty Kilmer as the source. Scotty is NOT a good source of information.

Ref 5 and 6 are INternal uses of the product used as designed.

Reference 7 is a guy from 5 years ago with 3650 views
I did not watch it.

These are just as good as that expert car advice you get from your friend’s unemployed cousin who swept floors in an auto shop for 2 weeks before being fired.


1st rule of vehicle maintenance or repair is ignore Scotty Kilmer !


So I need to stop putting all my trust in this guy . . . ?! :open_mouth:


People come up with NUTS things to do with chemicals that have NOTHING to do with their intended use. This looks like a good example.

And I’ve never ‘moisturized’ my car’s hoses in 50 years, never had one fail.