Why no car alert you when you have hand brake on

I had a Ford LTD towed to the shop and the problem was the parking brake vacuum operated automatic release failed when the vacuum hose was pushed off the servo.

When it comes to warnings on your dashboard I am reminded of a saying that I repeat often:

ā€œIf you try to idiot proof things they just build better idiots.ā€


We did not have kindergarten. My Mom walked me a short ways to my first day of first grade (1958). She returned in the afternoon and walked me home. For the next 12 years I was on my own. I walked, rode my bicycle, rode the bus in 7th grade, and eventually drove my car. Now it seems kids cannot walk a block to school as there are no doubt 100 pedophiles for every child. Residential streets are clogged on school day mornings and afternoons. Full size busses depart with 4 or 5 students onboard. Itā€™s insane!

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