Why is LetSuck 2024 RX350h oil drain not at the bottom of the sump?

more like vinegar.


NO!!! That blows your engine up running it without oilā€¦ :man_facepalming:

Dang, and you had made 3 post without that childish BS, I was starting to think you were trying to be an adultā€¦

Dealing with your craziness is one thing, typing like a 3yo with run on words is just plain BS and pure childish and something else all togetherā€¦ They have medication for that kind of behaviorā€¦

Again, PLEASE STOP with the childish run on words!!!


Heā€™s an attention seeking child, and he undoubtedly DELIGHTS in getting you and a few others here so worked up. If he irritates you just stop responding to him, put him on ignore and heā€™ll go somewhere else to find someone to irritate.


I agree with you that he is nothing more and nothing less than an internet troll, and that is why I put him on ā€œignoreā€ several months ago. But, I admit that when one of his posts results in a bunch of responses, I do sometimes take a look, just to see the latest installment of Vintage Whine.


I call him and a few others Court Jesters, for entertainment purposes onlyā€¦ :laughing: :wink:

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Wit like that forgives an awful lot of faults.

On the other hand, Shakespeare said: ā€œBrevity is the soul of witā€ ā€¦ lol ā€¦

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Here is some additional advice for Robert:



If you raise the front of the vehicle even a couple inches then the plug will be the lowest point and easily drain out all the oil. If you actually ever changed your own oil - youā€™d know this.

I wonder if you could use configure a flexible tube as a siphon to siphon the remaining oil out?

Yes. But such would require a tube and effort.
Just let the pipe cleaner drip all night.

In case of an emergency medical transport, after cleaning everything well, I lubricate the oil filter gasket and screw it on 3/4s turn after it touches the block.
Lubricate the oil plug gasket.
2-1/2+ quarts of oil into two bottles so that it can be easily poured in.

If a hospital calls, as happened at 0420, screw on the oil plug, pour the oil in and screw on the oil filler cap and awaken while driving.

Have a second drain plug installed at the lowest part of the oil pan!

Whining about it easier.
Wicking - if it works, much le$$.
Letsuck the onlyehiclever (only vehicle ever) seen not at the lowest point.

Perhaps drill a hole and insert a self-tapping 1/4-inch hex screw with fibre washer.

Too much expense and effort.
But a hole drilled in the lowest point and 1/4-inch self-tapping screw with fibre washer may be easy enough and last the life of the vehicle.

The last time I did my own oil changes in my vehicles was 15 years ago. The procedure I used was as follows:

  1. Drive the vehicle up on the ramps.
  2. Put a pan to catch the oil and remove the drain plug.
  3. While the old oil was drsining, I would grease.any grease fittings and remove the.old oil filter and install a new oil filter.
  4. After 10 to 15 minutes, the oil would quit draining out of the engine. I would replace the drain plug and pour in the new oil.
  5. I would then start the engine and check for leaks. I would then back the car off the ramps, shut the engine off, let the car sit for 5 minutes, pull the dipstick and check the oil, adding oil if necessary.
    These 5 steps completed the.job in about 30 minutes.
    I reasoned that the detergent oil holds the carbon particles in suspension. Any old oil that remained in the engine would have the carbon particles removed by the oil filter.
    It seems better to me not to do a prolonged overnight draining of the oil. I would rather have some oil on the cylinder walls and in the bearings. Much of the wear on an engine occurs on startup. I prefer having these parts of the engine have some oil when I start the engine after an oil change.
    I have driven my cars over 200 000 miles and have never had an oil.burner or had to have the heads or pan off the engine.
    I am wondering if attempting to remove every drop of oil from an engine may be doing more harm than good.

Provided you didnā€™t forget and drive the car with no oil in it the next AM, I doubt letting the oil drain overnight to the last drop would do any harm. But Iā€™d guess just changing the oil and filter more frequently yields more bang for the buck.

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With the engine offā€¦The engine oil on the cylinder walls and everywhere above the oil pan rail (used as a reference to make it easier to explain) is unaffected by the (normal or less) amount of oil in the oil pan, the oil in the oil pan is below the oil pan rail, the oil level should be lower that the bottom of the crank and rods (on most or all modern engines) or you will end up with to much windage robbing the engine of power and performance (will use more fuel)ā€¦

So having oil in the pan or not is irrelevant, another words, the same amount of oil will drain down from the middle and upper parts (above the oil pan rail) of the engine while doing an overnight oil change as just leaving the vehicle overnight normally the other 3000 + miles between oil changesā€¦

If you really want to do an OCD oil change, then you will need to remove the engine and completely disassemble the engine and clean all the residual oil off every internal part of the engine and properly reassembly the engine every time you change your oil, other wise you are only draining the normal amount that gravity drains the oil for the length of time the oil drain plug is removedā€¦ If you leave the oil drain plug out of the oil pan for a year, oil WILL still have some residual oil on most all internal partsā€¦ So an OCD oil change is ONLY as OCD as you are willing to leave the plug outā€¦ Is that 5 minutes, 30 minutes, an hour, overnight, week, month?? That just depends on how OCD you think you really areā€¦


As noted above, thereā€™s so much oil remaining in the engine above the pan makes getting the ā€˜last dropā€™ out meaningless.

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RG , I donā€™t believe 1/2 of the crap you post . And if you really have to put oil in at 4 AM who ever calls you has to know that because you would have to brag about it to evertone. So if the person who calls you if they really need a rush delivery if they donā€™t call another volunteer who vehicle is gassed and ready to go they are as big of an idiot as you are .

And Flag away because I donā€™t care.


Thereā€™s a list of us who feel the same.