Why is LetSuck 2024 RX350h oil drain not at the bottom of the sump?

Even with the SUV front wheels up on ramps, the oil drain opening is not at the lowest point.
Is there a reason some oil is retained?

Guess I will have to hang a pipe cleaner to wick the remaining oil out over night.
OCD Robert.
Oil Completely Drained

No, because it does not matter.

Go right ahead and You do You. :roll_eyes:


I hear the Bomb squad is looking for help, OCD required…

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Matters when all of the used oil could easily be drained, especially when Lexus boasts 10k changes.
4.2 qts without new filter
4.5 qts withew filter
5.6 qts dry

If the oil plug were on the very bottom it could be hit by something on the road.
But th.is on the rear wall of the oil pan which is above a bottom cover.
A cover panel must be removed to access the oil plug and filter.

RG just go away all you do is post the same nonsence that no one with half a brain will agree with.


No, it does not matter because you can STILL change at 10K.

It only matters to you.

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Have you had a problem with 10,000-mile oil changes?

That is the reason this does not matter.
There is one quart of oil in the oil galleries, camshafts, crankshaft, camshaft actuators and oil cooler, 0.1 quart of oil remaining in the oil pan is insignificant.

You might not believe how much oil remains in the top end of an engine unless you disassemble one for yourself.


Watched a YouTube video last night, some Chevy truck I believe, insane amount of disassembly to remove the valve cover.

I kid you not, you had to first remove the oil pan, then work your way up the engine (alternator, A/C, steering, ect.) before you had access to all the valve cover bolts and room to pull it off.

Found the video!


And what does that have to do with a simple oil change STZ ?

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Another example of poor engineering that will likely shorten the life of the vehicle. A design where “changing the oil” leaves a quart (18%) of dirty oil in the engine…brilliant!

I’ll bet there’s a “special tool” that costs $$$$ to get that oil out…lol!

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There is about 4 ounces remaining, have you ever removed an oil pan?

That 4oz is the worst 4oz…and you’re ok with removing the oil pan to get it out?

My gosh, this world…

Oh, and…

4.5 qts with new filter
5.6 qts dry

That’s 1.1 quarts…

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This has been the case since the beginning of time, and plenty of engines run for 300k or more. 4oz or 8oz of used oil has NO impact on engine wear.


Yep! That’s the ticket. Those “fast lube” places…no thanks!

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That oil in not in the oil pan, it is in the mechanical parts of the engine.

Probably made things worse doing that. One quart old plus 4 quarts new works fine, has for decades. I’d bet $100 that there would be no detectable difference in engine wear between the drain it for 5 minutes and drain it overnight methods.


The point is the design leaves 20% of the dirty oil in the engine.

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Toyota engine have been this way for 25 years, and Bob is the only one looking for a solution.

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The oil in the oil pan is insignificant compared to the oil retained in the top of the engine.
After draining the oil overnight, the oil is still held in the galleries and camshafts. I have disassembled many engines after at-rest for 24 hours.

The picture below shows how much oil remains in the oil pan after draining from the drain plug.

There is a slot in the bottom of the drain plug flange to allow more oil to drain.


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Is that a wrist pin, part(s) of a connecting rod, a piston in many small parts, oil control ring and a wrist pin retainer in the bottom of the pan?? with maybe some of the block thrown in for good measure?? I bet the cylinder wall was pretty… lol