Why is LetSuck 2024 RX350h oil drain not at the bottom of the sump?

I believe the owner drove though flood water and the engine hydro locked.

I didn’t replace that engine, it was on the next lift in the shop. 2GR-FSK engine (2016-2022 RX350), two holes in the block.


Lexus says it is OK. I’d be more conservative and change earlier. Can’t hurt anything.

But that is not my point. My point is, that little bit of dribble left in the oil pan at an oil change doesn’t matter AT ALL in the life of the engine. Not At All.

If you think it does, lift the car so the drain plug IS at the lowest point. Do your little pipe cleaner trick. Use an oil sucker to get the last little drip. It is all wasted time and effort you could use for other things. Like taking up bowling or seeing a therapist.


Alternately, drain the oil, change the filter, add new oil, then start the vehicle, run until oil temperature is at normal rage, then drain, change filter, add new oil. That should get most of the old oil out.

Problem is, he might just do this… :roll_eyes:

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Why would this shorten the life of the engine? The oil change interval was determined knowing that some of the old oil remains.

The recommended oil change interval for my Lexus PHEV is 12 months/10k miles, and I would probably not have engine problems with that schedule, in view of the fact that the engine is run very seldom, and when I do engage the gas engine I make sure that it runs for–at a minimum–15 miles.

I estimate that, after ~1.5 years of use, even though I have 15k on the odometer, the engine has probably run for no more than 4k miles–in total. But, wanting to err on the side of caution, I have the oil changed every 6 months.

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Shall continue my OCDraining overnight but also hang a pipe cleaner to see if it works.

Was the pan drilled too high for the draihole - if that is how they make it?
Othewiseemstrange thatheyvould intentionally needlessly retain dirty oil.

Maybe the design engineer for the oil pan drain hole was just being very childish like you are being when you attempt to be cute, but are really just being stupid with your run on words…
I wish the mods would just ban you every time you do this… It is stupid looking and very childish and has no place on this forum…

You have been asked many times to PLEASE STOP doing it!!!


@Julie-Lent-Managing-Editor Please read the above post .

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Toyota oil pans have been designed this way for many years, the drain plug is in a location protected from road debris.

This is the oil pan that fits your two previous vehicles and you just noticed this now?


I’m not recommending this, especially for newer engine designs, but after draining the oil on his 60’s Ford truck (289 I think) my dad would fill the sump with diesel fuel, run the engine a few minutes, then drain the diesel fuel out before replacing the oil filter and filling w/ fresh oil. His theory was this would help rinse the engine of most of the old oil.

Tom and Ray discussed this idea with a caller on a recent podcast, using kerosene rather than diesel fuel. Ray said “don’t do it unless you want to junk your car”. Tom said “but you told me to do it on my car”. Ray: “And what did we do with your car after that?” Tom: “Took it to the junkyard” … lol.


A terrible idea! Why bring it up?? There will be a large amount of diesel left in the engine when it’s refilled with oil, contaminating it. To say nothing of the bearing damage done.

Why a pipe cleaner? Why not a syringe and tubing?

Maybe George should just stop listening to Podcasts so he won’t keep posting nonsense.

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On this forum there is no shortage of outdated advice or tales from 30 years ago.


I was wondering the same thing. If I was determined enough to get every drop of oil out, which I’m not, but if I was, I’d be inclined to use a short length of cotton cord as a wick.

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Or just find something else completely to whine on and on about.


Unfortunately, your posts have aged-into vintage whine.


If you really want to get more oil out of the engine, remove the drain plug and filter and start the engine until no more oil comes out of the filter housing. That should help remove more of the old oil! :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I was thinking that also…