What's Your Favorite Bumpersticker?

1970s Austin: Visualize: Whirrled Peas

“I brake for hallucinations”

Play the accordian, go to jail. It’s the law.
(This one has made me laugh since 1970…no idea why.)

Seen on a white Scion on the highway:

Dude! You just got passed by a toaster !

My favorite of all time: I tried to see it from your point of view, but I couldn’t get my head that far up my a$$.

Dog is my copilot.

“Embrace the suck”

Ginger rogers did everything Fred Astaire did, wearing a dress and high heels.

No bumper sticker ever graced so many funky cars:

My karma ran over your dogma.

You’re gonna get a 1000 darwin versions…in our bookstore, the alien/ufo take on the darwin fish outsold 'em all…

If you can read this, thank a teacher.

Yes, this is my truck, and no, I won’t help you move.

Elvis is coming.

This is on my car:
Don’t use your turn signal, I can read your mind.

My favorite is from Yucaipa California. “Yucaipa my car, I breaka you face”.

“Beware of Quantum ducks, Quark Quark”

I put a magnet on my 52 truck that reads
"Keep your distance - Slow vintage truck"
“my rear bumper will win”

The rear bumper is made of 8 gauge steel.It is massive.
Should anyone ever rear end me, the poor slob’s engine will be in his lap…

“God Is Coming - and Is She Pissed”

“My Other Car Is A Toaster”