Whatever happened to-

That’s true, Doc.
It’s either God’s way of making sure we spend our entire lives tormented, or God’s way of ensuring that women get some time UNtormented by US!!! {:slight_smile:

On my German side, my great grandfather had three wives. He outlived them all in the US. Makes geneology a little difficult trying to keep the various strains separated. Don’t know what they died from in Illinois and Iowa but the German wives worked pretty hard along with the men.

I like that theory, mountainbike. My mom really came out of her shell when my dad died. We all thought she’d be lonely and miserable, but she decided she wasn’t going to be and the last seven years she has been as happy as I’ve ever seen her. She’ll be fine as long as she doesn’t get pregnant or start cooking at an open hearth. I don’t think either is likely in her assisted living facility. Though we’d all be happy if she met a fella. Unfortunately, there are about ten women for every guy, and most of them are married.

Sounds like my family, Bing. Almost all midwestern Germans. Every generation moved one state to the west, until they jumped from Colorado to California and Oregon (cars made that easier) . Studying genealogy has gotten so much easier with Web resources. I spent many hours cranking microfilm at the local US Archives branch back in the eighties and that’s now all online and indexed (not always reliably.) It’s a great activity to get kids involved in while their grandparents and even great-grandparents are still able to answer questions. I think it was a Cub Scout project that first got me interested. Unfortunately, my mother’s parents were already gone, but they had siblings and it was a great way of getting to know them. Most of them loved talking about the old days.

Even my mother was surprised to learn that many of her farmer neighbors were actually distant relatives. Almost all the Germans in that Missouri county had come from a few adjacent villages in Germany. Much later my brother visited those villages and met up with a distant cousin who had extensively researched our common German ancestors. To him, the villagers who went to the US were a mystery and he was excited to meet someone who knew where so many of them had ended up.

But, Mark, would SHE be happy if she met a fella? That’s really all that counts.

I love living alone. And I love being retired. Both go against conventional wisdom, but that makes me question whether it’s really wisdom at all. Perhaps CW is just things we convince ourselves of to make us feel better.

Or perhaps being happy is just a choice we make. Some people are happy no matter what happens to them. Some people aren’t happy unless they’re miserable.

Must be Friday. I’m full of BS today.

@ Same,nope,you make sense to me-Kevin

Thanks. Sometimes my BS is the most sense I make all day.

Pearls of wisdom , can come unbiden from the minds of intellegent people-Kevin

What happened to @asecular . . . ?

I believe he was banned, but I don’t know why

Can pearls be brown?


Oh yes pearls can be brown. Look up chocolate Tahitian pearls.

Than they definitely ain’t pearls… /:open_mouth:

Whoops, I missed Jt’s post. But they definitely ain’t pearls…

Thanks JT,I think you missed Sames point-Kevin