Tuesday Night's Presidential Debate

This forum should not have been used for political commentary. But, since it has become that I feel I must respond.
Another person that does not understand you must be a citizen to vote in federal elections. For any immigrant to become a citizen is a long, complicated process.
Unfortunately when the Constitution was written, the electoral college was created, reducing the power of the vote citizens cast.




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You must not get out much. You haven’t seen emotional discussion about sports teams? Food preferences? I’ve seen them about speaker wire, for crying out loud! Your problem actually seems to be the lack of support you get here.


I understand the political positions of many of the folks here but there would have been no agreement on the constitution without the electoral system. Otherwise California and New York would be deciding every presidential election and everyone else could just as well stay home.

Now it’s just random ‘swing’ states. Same problem.

Or maybe you mean the majority of voters would actually determine the winner? That’s a problem?


Somehow, it’s not a problem for every other democracy in the world. Only the US has an Electoral College system, and this outmoded mechanism needs to be eliminated so that a simple majority of the popular vote determined the winner–as in every other nation.


And in every other election in the US, for that matter.

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Well we are not a democracy but a republic. The framers studied previous systems and rejected the pure democracy version that would result in tyranny of the majority, you are talking about the presidency, not every other elected person. Sorry to continue this but the framers along with the small population states did this for a reason. Cry me a river.

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The only way to entice most of the Southern States to join the union was to give them two things that they wanted:

  1. Counting slaves as “3/5 of a person”, in order to boost those states’ representation in the House of Representatives
  2. Enacting the Electoral College system

Just as provision #1 was eliminated (along with legalized slavery), the second provision needs to be eliminated.

They did it to keep the southern slave owning states in the union. I think we’re past that.

Please name the other democracies that suffered from the ‘tyranny of the majority’ in the late 1700s.

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Yes we know, the electoral college went hand in hand with the 3/5 rule. The electoral college should be eliminated. President should be elected by the citizens of all 50 states, not just six states.
Will that ever happen, highly unlikely.

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Read about Greek history.

Slavery was only eliminated after the southern delegates were not allowed in the congress. That allowed the proclamation and the necessary votes to change the constitution to eliminate slavery. And it was largely the refusal of North Carolina to join the union if slavery was not still permitted. But be clear, not all of the southern states joined the rebellion.

Of course another issue is whether inhabitants and not citizens should be used to determine congressional seats.

So the last 100 years doesn’t apply? The many democracies, all of which use popular voting without crumbling into tyranny? I’m supposed to look back 2000+ years, instead? Really?

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Sports: I stopped watching pro sports after the NFL gave Swift’s boyfriend’s team the most recent super bowl.

Food prefs: People who get angry when someone puts ketchup on a hotdog are idiots. It’s their kwezlin’ hotdog, not yours!

Speaker wire: There’s only one kind I’ve used all my life: 16AWG stranded. And I’ve never rubbed snake oil on it, lol!

Scientifically arrived-at things, like speaker wire and tire pressre should not - I repeat NOT - devolve into shouting matches.

Thanks for flagging it!

OK , does Texas get a pat on the back ? Are you going to post about everyone who Flags (not a good idea). Is this thread going to be removed ( one can only hope ) ?

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We can post about anything and everything…

Good grief, this was provocative from the beginning and from my 800 years of moderating experience that it’s a terminal prognosis when posters start debating slavery’s origins. :roll_eyes: