Tuesday Night's Presidential Debate

There hasn’t been a presidential election where I voted for a person I wanted. I voted against a person I didn’t want.


Way back when I discovered the internet, I was working for the QA department of a major tire manufacturer. I was given the assignment to find out what was being said - and I noted that almost all posters pointed to the sidewall of the tire for tire pressure, and almost no one pointed to the vehicle tire placard. I decided to try to change that. My website is a direct result of that effort.

Apparently I’ve succeeded beyond all expectations - to the point that I don’t feel it necessary to correct folks when they point to the sidewall pressure. It will be done by others. But I might have created a monster.

I feel like Dr. Frankenstein, except there is no Frau Blucher.


HUH? What have you been drinking?

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Unfortunately, there are still a great deal of people who look at tire side-wall to determine what pressure to use. It has improved, but there are still way too many for my liking.

Both major parties have plans that spell financial ruin. Big tax costs are popular but always inflate the federal deficit. Cutting funding to the IRS makes tax cheating much easier to do. Who is the Tax Cheat in Chief? The answer to that question is a fact, not opinion, and you know exactly who I mean.


@Car_Talk_Social_Media_Web_Lackey - Please remove this discussion, it started off out of bounds, and has just gotten further in the weeds.

I think it is important to know what make vehicles Presidential candidates drive.
Harry S Truman drove Chrysler products
Jimmy Carter claimed his favorite car was his 1947 Studebaker. After his term as President was over, he was seen driving a Ford pickup truck hauling materials to a Habitat For Humanity site
Barry Goldwater drove a Corvette
Richard Nixon had a 1955 Oldsmobile that he said needed a valve job
Joe Biden has a Corvette

I will support any candidate for President that drives a Checker and maintains 32 psi in the tires.

I requested that the “mods” take that exact action yesterday, and it did NOT happen.

I agree. I don’t think this board is a place for political discussion. I attempted to say this in a humorous way in my earlier post.

For the cars, I just refer to the owners manual, then so I can remember, have it on my quick reference sheet in the garage. But gee, every year I have to get on my knees with a flash light to check what the tires say on my mower.

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I likes Ike, and voted for him. I would have voter for Teddy Roosevelt but I am not quite old enough.

I didn’t vote for Eisenhower. No way. The fact that I was born yesterday had everything to do with it. He was first elected the year I was born.

elimination of the fairness doctrine has obviously brought out the worst in is all. And a plethora of lonesome rhodes eliminated even the trashiest of limits.

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Well if that’s the topic, we should all watch this YouTube video rating 20 or so gauges on accuracy so we know which ones to use to adjust the tires to our individual preferences :grinning::

I created this thread with the intent to point out how ridiculous it is to be bickering about the correct source of info for tire pressures, beyond how some would argue the political issues which are far more serious.

As Capri pointed out, clearly we are not alone in the opposition we face.

Please discuss your feelings about actual issues, and the candidates, elsewhere.

Thank you

Then knock it off, you are the problem.

He was referring to a condition observed 30 years ago, long before uniform door jamb tire pressure placards.


You started a thread that you had to know was going to go off the rails . Now you are telling people what they can post ( That is for the site Moderators to do ).

I don’t think you really want help people but just enjoy the conflict which you seem to get everywhere you go on the web.


To you, maybe.

How the duck am I the problem when, a few post above, someone said they were concerned with their tires only if they got a dash indication, or one of them was flat?

And now that we have such tire info standardization, I’m still coming across people who insist they either run 5psi higher, or still insist on running tire sidewlall pressure.

And yet you and others still say “I’m the problem”.

You make zero sense.

Just to be clear, just about every time I start th3 car, I check the readings on the TPMS. If a problem is indicated, I check further. If a leak is found, I go to the tire shop. In the winter I inflate as needed. Why does anyone need to do anything further or have 15 gauges calibrated to the third decimal?

Yeah my wife and I both worked on the 1968 campaign but we were too young to vote.

Perhaps I’m a bit behind the times, but my wife and I don’t have real-time tire pressure info displayed on our dashboards in our older cars.

So I’m speaking from a position of those who still use a gauge to check pressures.

Still, a discussion of tire pressure should not arouse the amount of emotion as discussion of major political topics.

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