Problems with your site

I have not gotten it today. are you still getting it?

Not yet, just got here.

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hopefully it is fixed.

Just got it. Clicking on the page reload (circular arrow) clears it.

Well, I guess I spoke too soon. ITS BACK. :roll_eyes:

So. A non-update. We have had a few conversations since Sunday about the error. There is a hypothesis that there is a problem with an ad on our ad servers, and folks much smarter than I am are working on troubleshooting it.

Are you running Mac OS or iOS or windowsā€¦?

windows 8.1 for me.

Mac Monterey 12.2.1, Safari 15.3

Just happened on my iPhone/Safari, latest versions, same with Windows 10 pc/Edge.

OK, our ad partner has sent word they have identified the issue and are working on a fix. Can you please keep letting us know if you see something amiss, or better yet, the problem goes away? Thanks.

I just got that banner on the bottom of my screenā€“for the first time in about 1 week.

That banner, meaning the ad, or the yellow banner saying thereā€™s an ad blocker interfering?

The latter.

Just got the yellow banner again.

just got the ad or script blocking software banner again.

Lost my internet due to a lightning strike Wed morn, just got it back. It took out the modem. Lost phone too. Anyway, I just got that yellow banner so it is still around.

Do you use a UPS on your network? Just curious.

OK. Are you seeing any banner ads at all? And what about the scrolling problem that was also initially reported?

I did until recently, the battery went dead. Iā€™m going to get another one but havenā€™t gotten around to it yet. It was on a surge protector.

Yes, I do see the banner ads and a click on the X makes them disappear. FYI, I do not have any third party ad blockers, just what ever came with the OS and Safari.

My internet has been down since Wednesday due to a lightning strike next to the house so I am just getting back on line. I havenā€™t noticed the scrolling problem, but I wasnā€™t looking for it.

Edit: Iā€™ve been catching up on old posts so I havenā€™t noticed the scrolling problem. I just opened a new to me post and it did open partly scrolled down. I had to scroll up to see the beginning of the post.

Just surge suppressor for computer, fridge and washer and dryer. All computers and circuit boards need one. An exra 20 plus minutes with a ups for computer is a waste of money to me. Power goes out, hooking up the generator, computer save early save often. nothing to loose!