Porsche Paint Advice

Hi people!

I have a beautiful 991 from 2013. I bought it from a family friend (old lady) who unfortunately mistreated the car badly. The paint was scratched all over and it had started to loosen up in some of the corners. I decided to repaint it in its original black color (I don’t know the exact name of the color). I’m aware that repainting the car might make it’s value decrease but I don’t mind since I’m not planning on selling it (and I bought the car really cheap).

The paint job was done in 2020 and now 5 years later I might need to paint it again. In October (4 days before it was time for winter storage) someone decided to take a ”stroll” all over the car. The person who did it must have had big boots with gravel stuck beneath them since it deeply scratched the whole car. The car got deep scratches all the way from the emblem to the back end of the roof. I’ve tried to fix it by polishing it but it didn’t help at all.

I’ve decided to repaint it once again… sigh… But this time I’ve been thinking of doing it in a new color. I would love to hear your opinions on what color combination that you think would look good with the interior, rims, breaks, etc. I’m not repainting it myself, my friend owns a really good paint shop that helps me for a fraction of the price (so the result is gonna look professional).

Looking forward to be hearing from you! :slight_smile:

Changing paint color is difficult (expensive). You’ll want to get a quote for a repaint and for a color change, see if it’s worth it. I like black, myself (have had two).

Porsche Guardsman Red

I have changed color on 3 cars I have owned. I don’t recommend it. Repaint it black.

I have owned 6 black cars… I like black cars!

Since you mention the interior, I’ll point out that it looks odd to me that the interior mixes gray and tan (if the picture is being displayed correctly), as those are in different color families. On the bright side, any exterior color you pick will likely tie to one of those (and probably only one).