Please Jay Leno, don't lie to us

Thank you Dr Dyno.

I had heard of the “pick method” but was told it was hard to keep the numbers neatly aligned doing it that way.

Stick around. We need more expertise from inhabitants of Geezerdom. You will find kindred spirits here.

Please start a new thread and tell us about all the neat cars you owned way back. I’ll bet they were all low mileage examples.


On those cluster I mentioned, I took out the odometer and adjusted the mileage on the bench

I did use a pick, and yes, it was hard to keep the numbers neatly aligned

Well I guess I stand corrected. No drill used.

I’m sure some used a drill, it’s easy and cheap and I remember hearing about it when I was a kid, but it was only used to take a few thousands miles off. Over a weekend you could pull 3 to 4 thousand miles off a car. It doesn’t sound like much, but back when a car was shot at a 100k and resale used to drop off a lot ofter 75,000 it might make a few hundred more after you dropped a few miles. If you wanted to really take the miles you worked on the cluster.

Although I have never watched it done a local used car lot owner in the 60s paid a traveling “clock” man to run miles back. I was told that the job was done by drilling the speedometer housing from the bottom and inserting a pick to roll back the first digit. In the 70s the Federal government mandated odometers have a tamper proof mechanism which dropped a red bar into the 1st digit if it was moved directly.

And we wonder why people buy new cars.

This all explains why cars were worn out at low miles back in the 50s and 60s… :slight_smile:

The video clarity is downright crummy but clear enough at about 1.00…

now I get it ! the odometer guy would drill a hole to insert the pick and tell people that he was using the drill to turn it back. that way the car dealer could not figure out how to do the job himself and stop calling the odometer guy to do it

Since Tommy has retired, Jay is of late out of work, knows quite a bit about cars, is perfectly comfortable cracking-wise to millions of listeners, and grew up in the Boston area …hmmmm … I’m thinking “why not?” I propose as a one-time event, Ray and Jay do a Car Talk show for NPR, and as part of that show, Jay can address his preferred speedo-recalibration procedure.

that is a horrible thought George. wash your keyboard off with soap

What is it you don’t like about that idea @wesw?

jay leno

You’re just jealous that he owns every car and motorcycle you ever wanted.

no I just can t stand his voice. I ve heard he has quite a collection, but whenever I hear his voice I change the channel

rush Limbaugh , al Sharpton and jay leno. all three of them just creep me out

Now that would be an interesting radio show. I don’t think the boys would be able to afford Jay’s rates. I’ll have to say that I never liked the Tonight Show with him in it but found he was far more tolerable in other interviews/shows. Just not very funny in my book. Maybe it was the lame writers.


Out of those 3 guys you named, none of them creep me out

But I will say I can’t stand Al Sharpton

Then again, you’re supposed to listen to him, not necessarily like him

Rush Limbaugh actually seems like kind of an idiot to me, but he seems to have a following.

I never thought Leno’s talk show was all that funny. He was better than some, but not the best. not in my opinion. I thought Letterman was funnier

@wesw You may not know but instead of multiple posts you can edit your original post, so instead of between 2 or 6 posts you can consolidate it into one. That is nice for people that get emails for every post, if they get 6 responses, and they are all @wesw, that is not congenial. Now it is my limited observation, but there are 4 or 5 right wing talk shows on the radio, and 2 leftist, but I percieve nothing but hate and venom for lefties and etc. from those right wing shows.

I don t like editing posts except for grammar or spelling barky. I don t want anyone to miss any of my cogent points.

I m sorry that you have your e mail set up to annoy you. I don t know, but you can probably change that.

I agree that the hate and venom from both sides is terrible, I m independent.

…and you knew very well that I knew posts could be edited.