121 mpg

Popular Mechanics, March '08 page 41 advertises fuel cell and plasma fuel generator that will increase mileage 50-300%. What’s your take on these things. I’d like to hear from a satisfied customer.

You won’t find any satisfied customers, because none exist.


And what company do you work for?

Here we go again! Another shill for the snake oilers signs up at Car Talk.

It does say one thing that is aapparently true.  Popular Mechanics is all about advertising income and not about their readers.

Please take your advertising for these bogus products elsewhere. You’re NOT wanted here.

Magazines are not obligated to check the claims of advertisers any more than other media outlets. Do you believe everything you hear on the radio or television?

They also take ads from some nutjob named John Ellis, touting some goofy “better” type of water. Incoherent crap in the ads, but I guess it helps pay the magazine’s bills.

My take is that we should stop supporting scams like this by buying Popular Mechanics magazine.

Don’t we hold the NFL and broadcasters responsible for the probity of Superbowl advertisements? What about if Consumer Reports advertised a product that was a scam? Wouldn’t that say something about their standards? What if an author of a book took money from a sponsor in exchange for publishing bogus claims?

No, I don’t believe everything I hear on the radio and see on the television. I still think that the broadcaster and the publisher should exercise at least a modicum of ethical discretion.

No, I don’t believe everything I hear on the radio and see on the television. I still think that the broadcaster and the publisher should exercise at least a modicum of ethical discretion.

This reminds me of a class I took in college “Business Ethics”. Basically if you’re in business…ETHICS is thrown out if it means you won’t make a profit.

I’ve yet to meet the CEO of a large corporation who has enough ethics to turn down several million dollars in business revenue. Sorry, but it’s NOT going to happen.

It’s NOT just magazines…Show me the ONE infomercial that is ETHICAL! How many Ab Machines that tout it will trim your mid-section and look great in a bathing suit in just weeks??? How many Diets have you seen or heard advertised that actually work???

As I say for all these f***ing scams, it’s a f***load of motherf***ing bulls***.

How about if we stop supporting scams like that by NOT buying Popular Mechanics magazine. Wouldn’t that be more effective?

This reminds me of a class I took in college “Business Ethics”. Basically if you’re in business…ETHICS is thrown out if it means you won’t make a profit.

Mike, do you really need to be ethical to know that it is a bad idea to screw your paying customers? An infomercial on public airwaves at 2:00 AM is a little different from a magazine subscription. Besides, what kind of person would site infomercials as an ethical standard? What kind of looser sits around watching infomercials? Life is too short for me to choose to spend it that way.

Wouldn’t plaasma melt the engine and just about everything in the car itself? unless it is a cold plasma, which they used in Star Wars for the giant shield the Jar-Jars made to protect themselves.

Here’s the last paragraph from the Popular Mechanics fuel savers testing. Note the last couple of lines.

We’ve tested nowhere near all of the fuel-saver gadgets on the market, and I’m sure purveyors of others will be waiting in our lobby soon. But not one of the items we tested worked. At all. There’s no ignoring the laws of physics, people. Your vehicle already burns over 99 percent of the fuel you pay for. Less than 1 percent is squandered as partially burned hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide before the exhaust hits the catalytic converter for the last laundering. Even if one of these miracle gadgets could make the combustion process 100 percent complete, the improvement in mileage resulting would be 1 percent. Any device that claims quantum-level increases needs to be examined with considerable skepticism.

We say caveat emptor (let the buyer beware). But there are plenty of people out there who say: “There’s one born every minute.” Prediction: Within a few weeks after the appearance of this article, there will be gas-saving gadgets on the market that tout themselves as “Featured in Popular Mechanics.” Someone will buy them. Probably not you.

“do you really need to be ethical to know that it is a bad idea to screw your paying customers?”

The advertisers ARE the paying customers.

Mike, do you really need to be ethical to know that it is a bad idea to screw your paying customers

In a word…YES.

An infomercial on public airwaves at 2:00 AM

2 AM??? They’re on ALL the time…You can watch them 24/7.

Besides, what kind of person would site infomercials as an ethical standard?

Huh??? Who said that?? The point is infomercials are NOT ethical. Geez

kind of looser sits around watching infomercials?

The paying kind since it’s a several BILLION dollar a year business. What kind of loosers buy these junk products. Do you for one minute think that if people woke up and stopped buying these bogus products they would still be trying sell them. The market would dry up.

The point is Jeremy…These kind of products and their advertising has been around for YEARS and YEARS…NOT JUST magazines…EVERY SINGLE TV NETWORK AND RADIO NETWORK. I would LOVE to see the magazines and TV networks stop selling them advertisements…but I live in the real world…it’s NOT going to happen as long as the networks and magazines are going to make money from it.

If they put the magnet on the fuel line, it will get 600% better mileage. Detroit doesn’t want anybody to know. Lately here, everybody knows the secret. But they don’t believe in polarized lenses.

The advertisers ARE the paying customers.

True, but so are the subscribers. I guess the advertising sales team at Popular Mechanics tells its advertisers that its subscribers are the dumbest, most gullible Americans they could find. Otherwise, why would these advertisers come to them?

If you stopped supporting them…the throw out your TV and Radio…and don’t buy any Newspapers or Magazines. They’re EVERYWHERE.

The BEST way to stop them is to NOT buy the bogus product and let everyone you know the product is bogus.