DTCFRZF: p0303
LOAD PCT(): 41.6
ETC(F): 144
SHRTFT1(): 6.3
LONGFT1(): 0.0
MAP (inHg): 15.6
RPM (/min)1647
VSS (mph) : 8
TAT (F): 93
MAF (lb/min):2.552
RUNTM (sec) :84
EGR PTC (3):25.5
EGR ERR (): 0.0
EVAP PCT(*): 0.0
CLR DIST (mile): 283
EVAP_VP ¶ : 16288
BARO (inHg): 28.9
CATEMP11(F): 631.40
Vpwr(v): 14.293
Load abs:34
Eq_rat : 0.994
Tp-_r%: 18.8
AAT (F): 50
TP_B(%): 32.2
APP_D(%): 26.3
APP_E (%): 12.5
TAC_PCT(S): 27.1
Alright so, I bought a used 2008 Pontiac Torrent 3.4 last year. Couple swore up and down it was a great car just needed fluid changes. I was in desperate need so I took them for the word because they did have a nice home, new cars, seemed like it was legit. Wrongo.
Anyways, a year later, I have had to replace pipes, have the exhaust put rewelded back on, had the head rebuilt twice because when I got it, it kept overheating after changing out just about everything along those lines that would cause an overheating issues.
Now, ever since the head was finished tho I have kept a P0303 error for a misfire. The most I would notice driving would be the rpms hover a bit. The check engine light would come and go, and if idling too long when starting or setting somewhere would flash at me.
Well, I went and had spark plugs replaced. Nope. Wires. Nope. Flushed the systems several times between all this btw.
As times gone on, I do notice a loss in power occasionally, after recently doing an antifreeze flush, I started getting a lean bank 1 codes as well which was new, but it seems to perhaps resolved itself (perhaps I had some trapped air I assume didn’t burp it long enough) but it seems to have disappeared finally
Anywho…^this is what my code reader is pushing out.
What can anyone make of this?
I am ultimately stuck with the vehicle as I am on disability.
I recently spoke to a mechanic at advanced who is suggesting change out the coil pack, and rechange spark plugs, so before I order those I wanted to see what the community thinks about this freeze frame data first. Anyone have any clue? Would you start with the coil pack with these? Or start elsewhere?