Parking Brake Annoyance

The prison discussion has been terminated.

I took my 2002 Chevrolet Tahoe to the mechanic yesterday for the same problem and they told me that there is a spring in the back of the release that pops the brake back up so that the ding ding ding ding ding light doesn’t come on. Typically what I do is pull the release and pulled a breakup and the light goes off anyway but the ABS light stays on on the dash so he’s going to the junkyard to attempt to find the spring and that he said was solve my problem

If you had read the thread you would have seen that the original poster no longer has the vehicle.

Hmmmm…That sounds like something that should be posted in an Advice To The Lovelorn forum, rather than an automotive forum.

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You need a parking brake pedal assembly, not mickey mouse repairs

Verify any parking adjustment available at the rear wheels is correct first.

A working parking brake is dequired for state inspection in NY. and our cables rust up all the time. As a matter of fact, in Western NY you don’t test drive a used car without asking the owner if the parking brake is free or you will be walking back from wherever you applied it.

Deleted…had no idea how old this was!


I read you comment and agree with it :+1: