I have a yellow Chevrolet SSR. I have very hard to see a few light scrathes on it, clear coat only. Do you hand rub wax and then how do you use the buffer? Remove wax then buff? Remove wax with the Buffer? Use light or heavy pressure? Change pads or clean and use again?
Thanks Ya’ll,
It’s not terribly difficult. The key thing to remember is not to buff one spot for very long, the friction will quickly heat up the paint and possibly scortch it.
I’ve never used a buffer, either, because I’ve seen too many paint jobs ruined, and I don’t want to ruin mine. I certainly wouldn’t recommend learning proper buffer technique on your vehicle.
If you’re going to learn to operate a buffer, I suggest practicing on another vehicle, one you won’t be too upset about if you mess it up. A buffer can cut through paint very quickly under the right circumstances.
Practice on an old car that the owner doesn’t mind if the paint might get damaged a little. Be sure that you wash the practice area thoroughly.
I have A little (5"-6") Electric Orbital Waxer. I use Just Wax. Works Well. No Cautions, no damage.
There are some detailing supply sites that have detailed guides, but in general you’d be best off for a first timer to use a random orbital device instead of rotary buffer with a rather mild polish so you really can’t mess up your car. Put a lot of polish on a dry pad, do two passes 90 degrees apart and wipe clean with a microfiber cloth (or CLEAN towel). Do a test section first in an out of the way place by doing a 2’x2’ square and tape off a straight line with some news paper so you can compare a completed section/your approach to an unfinished section side by side. Use the same size sections all over the car and then wax after you polish.
Good luck.
I make SOME GREAT SWIRLS EVERYWHERE,(at least they are consistent.lol
i take it to a pro.
good luck