My shoulders are bad, cannot do to much buffing and polishing. Electric buffer I suppose unless someone has found a miracle cure.
Someone who does car detailing may have some ideas that help, short of (expensive) professional painting, and that avoid amateur painting.
One small section at a time, then wait a few weeks/months, then the next section; i.e. don’t have to do the entire car at once. Never used any sort of buffing machine myself, just rub some polishing compound to remove the oxidation, followed by wax. Here in Calif the biggest obstacle is you aren’t allowed to wash your car in your driveway. Car washes don’t get the surface clean enough to begin applying the polishing compound.
I use a pneumatic orbital buffer with 5 inch foam pads. Much lighter than electric buffers. 3 inch foam pad on a drill for small areas.
Various grades of polish then wax. Wipe off with a microfiber towel.
Agree with George, a portion at a time.
The alternative is to pay a detail shop for a paint correction.
I use a rotary buffer. Polish, then glaze, then hand sealer, then wax. Usually twice a year but skipped the spring work due to lack of use and ambition. Yes it is some work.
Those new bi diectional orbital buffers might be quite a bit lighter and less work. Prevention is always the key though to never let the paint deteriorate. About all you can do is hire it out if you can’t do it yourself, but results may vary.