Name Tommy's 1952 MG TD

I agree with it having to be a British name. How about Nigel or maybe Clive?


This car looks like a Herbert.

MG = Morris Garages, British, proper name and all but red hot tamale in color suggests several name veins to follow. I prefer MG = Mr. Giles, or Giles for short. Closely followed by Dudley do Right.

If I had a dog, which I don’t, I’d name it dog. The same goes for a cat, which I don’t have either, but I will say I love cats, they taste just like chicken…hahaha a joke.
Don’t name your car…the next thing you know you’ll be hugging trees and trading carbon credits…yikes.
Get real!
Love your show…keep up the good work.

Breathless…or “the red car” after the great book, yes it was about a tc, but its close.


This one needs a name with a little class…he’s a distinguished fellow, simple at heart, but with a noble history. He looks like an Alfred to me, so I would call him “Sir Alfred”.

red barron, king of hearts

“Nostalgic”, that way when he waxes his car, he can say that he is waxing… well you get the idea.

How about Big Red!

sir chittychittybangbang


Knowing MGs, how about More (M) Gas (G) won’t help.

Wasn’t there a major scandal involving a high government minister and a prostitute? And one or the other was named Peel? Christina P?

Looking at y’all in the pretty red beastie, I would have to go with either Reginald or Archibald.


I’m going to have to go with the Red Jalopy. Jalopy just encompasses so much in this car.

How about “Tommy’s D” (an expansion on TD)?

“The Red Baron” obviously!

Cherry tomato. :slight_smile:
