My girlfriends brother is inadvertently ruining GFs car

I was definitely over half throttle at first, then it got worse. I could put it in 5th gear and just let the clutch out without it stalling by the end. I had to limp it home in low gears that day and smoke was pouring out by the time I made it home. Remember this was designed as a dry clutch and the fluid was regular motor oil, not a transmission fluid with friction modifiers.

I would never oil or grease brake friction surfaces. Maybe in the future there will be wet disc brakes or something like wet clutches but I doubt it. Then you would need a special brake fluid for that purpose with friction modifiers. This fluid would work so hard that the frequent changes would make this impractical and overly complex with no gain.

OK, Iā€™ll biteā€¦ other then internal automatic transmission clutch packs or DCTā€™s and in the last 50 years, and we are talking about the mechanical link between the engine flywheel and transmission input shaft, what modern vehicle (NOT motorcycles) has a wet clutch for a manual transmission instead of a typical dry clutch???.. Again Duel Clutch Transmissions (DCT) excludedā€¦

More of the [[[ SNOWMANS [[[ BS ]]] NONSENSE WITHOUT FACTS ]]]. :upside_down_face:

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Wait until he hears about self-lubricating muffler bearings and high-compression battery cables.


Also blinker fluid.


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Is Volvo-V70 back under a new account now?

You asked what happens when you get grease on brakes, well I imagine itā€™s similar to getting lubricant sprayed on your brake pads and drums.

It was the mid-90s and I got a call from one of my supervisors who said that one of our young Sergeants (weā€™re Air Forceā€¦) and he was involved in an accident, but the Sergeant claimed it wasnā€™t his fault, he had no brakes and the police were thereā€¦

So the First Sergeant and I take off to check it out. The Sergeant told us that he backed out of his driveway and in hindsight, he remembered that the car did not slow down when popped it into drive. He thought it funny but still accelerated towards the intersection at the end of the street. The light was Red so he hits the brakes and they barely responded and really was not slowing down, he is pressing harder and still almost nothingā€¦

Heā€™s running out of room and there is cross traffic so he runs his car into the curb trying to slow it down, but not enough and he hits the car parked on the side of the road.

I got in his car and pressed the brake pedal and there was plenty of peddle, I was lost for an explanation, but I look under his car and I can see that the back of both of his rear brake mounting plates (drums on the rear of his car) and the hole where you adjust the brakes is wetā€¦ I rubbed my finger on it and it was slick; but that didnā€™t make sense, his brake pedal was solid so it could not be blown brake cylindersā€¦

I then check his front brakes (disc brakes on the frontā€¦) and all the discs were slick with oil or some lubricant.

We showed the police what we found and he checked and then agreed the car had been vandalized and had the car towed to the police station.

They investigated and our Sergeant had a big blowout argument with a civilian neighbor about the Sergeant working on his car late at night and playing his stereo when the neighbor was trying to sleep just a couple of days previously.

The police visited the neighbor and found an empty can of some spray lubricate (maybe WD-40, donā€™t rememberā€¦) in the trash. His fingerprints were all over it. He claimed he used it up working on his own car, but there was no proof of him ever using it on his car.

He ultimately pleaded guilty to some Misdemeanors and paid a fine and before the Sergeant could sue him for the deductible in the insurance, he skipped townā€¦

So, you ask, what actually happens when you put grease on brakes? Well, nothing actuallyā€¦ The Brakes do not work!

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Agree. 100%

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I added the missing arrow:




Some of the dual clutch systems are still dry as well. One of my buddies had a 2014 Focus and that transmission was about a 30,000 mile replacement item. It was dry clutch.

The clutch would self-destruct every 30,000 miles and was covered under warranty to 100,000. When the last one was replaced at over 90K, he sold the car.

He was not the only one with these types of problems. 2014 Ford Focus Problems, Defects & Complaints

The Ford DCT - the transmission that killed the Focus. Had that car been given a reliable tranny it would still be around.

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By 2018 or so they fixed the DCT and now itā€™s fine!

Yes you are correct about the DCT, but since there are some with wet clutches I was just saying that didnā€™t countā€¦ I am asking for a normal automobile that runs a wet clutch with a foot clutch pedal on a standard transmissionā€¦

BTW: I am still waiting on an answerā€¦ lol

2018 was the year they discontinued the Focus, largely because of its terrible reputation. Or was that a joke?

I was talking to a mechanic who has a Ford with a dual clutch transmission that gets something like 40 MPG. He said it took Ford a few years to get the dual clutch transmission right. I thought it was a Focus. I know it is a Ford! Are there other Fords from the last 4 to 8 years that have DCTs?

The Fiesta used it, and had the same problems. Transmission is the top Focus problem on for the entire run of the DCT, better towards the end.

I have never heard of one either and wonder if there is any application where this might make sense. I am not sure what the advantages/disadvantage of this system are.

It is too bad that they didnā€™t fix the Focus issues sooner as they werenā€™t a bad car. Finding a nice used one with a manual transmission would be neat.

Mainly Motorcyclesā€¦

Dave- if my increasingly feeble memory is working correctly I think Hudson used a wet clutch in the early 1950ā€™s.

I can neither confirm nor deny that, that is why I said ā€œin the last 50 yearsā€, cause I know they did some things a little differently sometimes way backā€¦ lol