More 'Best Of...' please?

I’ve blown through all the old shows on NPR+, but there must be hundreds more pre-'07 shows. Are there plans to add a new set of shows?

The last “NEW” show that was produced was September 29, 2012.

Every show after that day was a repeat show, and then Tom passed away in November 2014, they started calling them “Best Of” after that.

So for the last 12 years, everything has been a repeat, the ones on the podcast now are from the 90’s

NPR Plus has the archives for car talk available for $30/yr just for Car Talk or get a bundle of all the Npr Plus shows for a $96min donation to NPR. Has 800+ shows.
NPR Plus | Car Talk+

Hmmm. You might find listening to 12 year old programs for car information not relevant anymore. If for the comedy, it can get old in a hurry. I have a cd I’ve never listened to again. I also have one of red skeleton. I used to laugh and laugh at his shows as a kid but just not funny 50 years later. Still if on a long drive, better than some of the other stuff on, but don’t reject the old radio shows of the 40s.


But someone might post about them every few days to ask silly questions… lol

Not you btw…

I have never listened to any of the Car Talk shows, never even heard of it until I got here…
But I also don’t care for talk radio… Well I did for 2 years back around 2002, but he has since retired and passed away since…

I wonder who that could be ?


Thanks for the answers, folks. It was just $2.99/mo to hear the hundreds of shows that were available. My subscription expires tomorrow, so…

It was a great show to have on in the background while doing chores and working in the shop.

I don’t think I noticed if the last one was listed as Sept. 29, 2012. 1st one listed said something like #0717. Last one was up in the 2500s. I was ill this winter, so it passed time with a good chuckle.

I haven’t checked to see how MANY Car Talk shows are there, but there are some at

There are many many MANY old radio ( and television ) shows there, downloadable as MP3 files free of charge.

I’ve been listening to the Best of Car Talk podcasts for 10 years probably. I usually get them from the NPR podcast website. They’ve all been from radio programs originally broadcast post 1995 or so as far as I can tell. I’d enjoy the opportunity to listen to some older ones too, not needed immediately, but at some point in the future. There must be a good deal of effort required by the Car Talk staff to compile, edit, & post these podcasts, and I must appreciate that. I enjoy both the callers and the hosts and their humor. I don’t expect to obtain info on how to repair my own cars, but I do learn more about how the various car functions work by listening to the podcasts. Personally I don’t consider the podcast content to be out of date, but all of my vehicles date before 1995. … lol… I expect folks worldwide will still be listening to the Car Talk podcasts 100 years from now. Note to Car Talk staff: Suggest to secure the legal broadcast rights indefinitely, could be sitting on a gold mine!

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Earliest I had on my list of all, was '07. It would be great to have the ten prior years.

If you are interested and in passing time like during the lockdowns, I have found the great courses a fantastic resource. College Level with great professors. Subjects anywhere from western civ, founders, planets, micro biology and even economics. Not much for cars and cabinet building though. A lot more interesting than the brothers.

I listen to the podcast version and I think I’m listening to one from around 96 or 97 now. My only problem is I want to know when it originally aired. There are many things that have been edited out, such as the “hang up and drive” rants, the dipstick comments, etc., and I lose context. I’m not trying to get repair advice (though there are some things that haven’t changed), but there are calls I want to hear again and wonder if I missed them or they were edited out.

Let me guess…G.Gordon Liddy!

I think he was likely talking about Bruce Williams. None like him. But he didn’t really retire but the media folks knifed him in the back when he was trying to get his shows back on the air. One of the few people who warned about the media consolidation 20 years ago that we see the results of today. Then he died. His son was a regular a jelly rolls at the boardwalk at Disney for those familiar. I never met him in person.

I usually did not disagree with his financial advice except once. When you have good credit and a high tax bracket, working a second or third job for extra cash seemed counter productive. But you have to understand where and why people are coming from. Great guy.

For example, if you put your own brakes on instead of hiring someone, it’s the same as earning up to $800 tax free. Same with plumbing, electrical, carpentry. Self reliance is that great divide between rural and city dwellers to go off topic a little.

It could have been Neal Boortz. He wrote the “Fair Tax” book.