Mileage savers that actually work?


So the above link goes to an article about a device which attaches to the fuel line of a vehicle which, when used, thins the fuel allowing for smaller droplets of fuel in the combustion chamber which means more efficient explosions.

This isn’t some cheesy website created just to shill for a phony device either. It’s based on publications in real science journals.

So if this device exists, and, apparently, works. Are there any others out there anyone knows of? Because most of the ones I’ve seen thus far are pure bull-hockey.

Oh No! Here we go again!

Begone, shill! Begone!

Oh please. Do we really have to go though this again?

It’s known that eggs (yes, eggs!) will help you to save gas.(And, to top it off, they’re very cheap!). You tape one egg to the gas pedal, and another egg to the brake pedal. The object is to NOT break the eggs while you drive. Testimony has it, that it works!

The only real gas saver that works is…your right foot.

This isn’t some cheesy website created just to shill for a phony device either. It’s based on publications in real science journals.

Sure thing…

And I can turn dirt into gold and with just a little funding I can get started…

The best mileage saver is control of your feet. Easy on the gas and easy on the brake. The rest are frauds.

When pigs fly, and when the Red Sox win the World Series…no wait, I meant the Cubs.

This concerns recent studies and patent application by Prof. Rongjia Tao at Temple University ( Well, now the study is published and others can try to repeat his experiments. Could be a few years before engines using this technology can be built and tested according to recognized standards for fuel economy, exhaust emissions, and engine durability for countries like the US and Canada. I’m not sure a short-term test on an ancient Mercedes 300D is relevant to today’s applications. Any 300D still on the road is beyond its designed useful life.