Make & Model option in menu near top not working for me

I can’t specify Make & Model today.

That’s strange, It works fine for me on Firefox,Chrome, and Microsoft Edge.

Same here. If anybody else is having the same issue as @RandomTroll, please holler. Thanks.

The drop down menus won’t open for me either. (Chrome)

So weird. I am using Chrome, but they work.

Are you guys all using it on mobile or desktop? I’m assuming Desktop, but Chrome and Firefox are also available in mobile. Thanks.

It’s version number 74.0.3729.108 for Windows 10 if that helps the tech people (it might be an old version, it’s my work computer so I don’t have permission to update it)

Edit: desktop

Desktop with Windows 10

Works for me. I’m using MS Edge on Windows 10


I can’t get it to work on Safari in mobile, and that is being corrected by Discourse.

Working here
HP - Desktop, Windows 7 - all updates
Chrome - Version 75.0.3770.142 (Official Build) (64-bit)

It started working for me recently.