How else is one to learn theffectiveness of their spoiler?

The thought of YOU flying an airplane is scary :fearful:
:fearful::upside_down_face:[[[ VERY VERY SCARY ]]] :upside_down_face: :fearful:


Nope. Perfectionist.
Worst case scenario realist looking for anything/everything wrong.
Flying far too expen$ive.
No air pollutionow.

The thought of the “Gift” even on the same road as me scares the hell out of me, but piloting an aircraft?


Why scared?
You stay in your lane, I stay in mine. Have managed to miss countless vehicles that way!
(Well, except for the young woman who ran into the back of themergencyehicle stopped behind other vehicles on an Interstate highway in lane one. Insurance agent is pleased that I stopped far enough behind the vehicle ahead that she did not push me into it. Others were damaged front and rear.)


Does that obstruction actually accomplish anything?

The rear spoiler on the Lexus (and most SUV’s) is to help keep the rear window clear…PERIOD. Nothing more.

I do not remember if you have a pilot’s license or you just fly, but you seems to violate all the premises of all the Aeronautical Decision Making Criteria and you seems to have no comprehension of Risk Management… You exhibit all the signs of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) identified five hazardous attitudes.

You exhibit “Anti-Authority” since no one seems to be able to tell you differently. You exhibit “Impulsivity” since you will do what you want, when you want. You exhibit “Invulnerability” as you believe nothing can happen to you. You exhibit a “Macho” attitude because you are always trying to prove that they are better than anyone. And you exhibit “Resignation” as if something goes wrong, it wasn’t your fault…


As if Robert isn’t already an “interesting” driver . . .

Now I have to worry about him crashing an airplane into my car while I’m driving home :fearful:



“It could happen to me” has always been my claim.
Anyone is welcome to say/recommend anything. If in agreement, I do it.
Too tree-hugger and Greenie to be “macho”. To save fuel and minimize air pollution, I accelerate like a ballerina.
If my fault, I am the firsto say.

Ain’t never bent no metal.
(Uh-oh. That be my instructor’s plane.)

Brokehearted thatoday I did not geto drive 130 mph on tires inflated to 46 psi.


You are a scary man who IS going to hurt somebody while you’re operating a vehicle, be it an automobile or airplane



How can you question the wisdom or the actions of a person who believes that it is safe to place an old electric fry pan underneath a vehicle that has the potential to leak oil and/or gas, and then to plug it in?

What could possibly go wrong?


Can thelectric skillet achieve a temperature to ignite oil or gasoline?
Luckily, none of the vehicles leak oil or gasoline.
Donchate it when the garage is full of gasoline fumes, you open the door and flip on the light switch and blow the house up?

1 Like

… yet…


They never leak until they start to leak…
There is aways a 1st time…


Do the 75-W glass light bulb under the hood?

I disagree with the “worthless spoiler” comment. If you’re a well-informed car nerd, you must know that spoilers have two effects.They do add drag, but they also increase downforce.
These are tradeoffs automotive designers weigh when they design spoilers.
In some situations, the added downforce increases rear-end stability and makes the car easier to control at high speeds.
This thread has gotten off-track debating how fast is too fast. But, in my experience, you can ‘feel’ the benefit of a rear end spoiler at speeds well below 107. I applied an aftermarket spoiler to my old Chrysler LeBaron GTS turbo (yes, I’m an old fart), and it made the care more stable on the highway at around 85mph.

So there. :slight_smile:

Increase downforce is NOT desirable in a FWD vehicle.


Not registered tree-hugger and Greenie approved.
Drag causes more fuel use and therefore pollution.
Gravity keeps myvheelsufficiently on the pavement.

After some long distance bloodeleliveries I have removed the four wing nuts and stowed the light bar in the back seat.
Since I no longer pick up hitchhikers I should remove the never-used back seats. (One time brought five adults and their two dogs from Cheyenne, ?oming.)

Thelectric skillet on 350ÂşF is not enough to ignite anything.
Doubtful that its internal switch would even ignite gasoline fumes.
It does keep the wholengine compartment warmer!

Have not figured out how to immediately starthengine while the garage door is raising.
RX350h wants to stay in motor mode until I’m partly up the street.
(Shall try quickly depressing the accelerator more and off to see if that starts thengine.)

@Robert-Gift I think the world would be a safer place if you hand in ALL of your licenses to operate any and all vehicles