Or the driver can compare the number of dates they’ve had in the 6 months before getting the spoiler and 6 months after… because we all know girls LOVE spoilers…
Plus they make good lunch tables for that speeder on-the-go!
Many speed on the long, boring road. Its greatest highlight is Punkin Center.
Rushing blood platelets to a hospital for a postpartum hemorrhage, I attained 130 mph where straight andry, no vehicles or animals.
But at night have gone below the speed limit because deer or stray black cattle may not be seen until too late.
Law enforcement would be.tter to catch speeders in populated areas where it matters.
I want the police to continue to patrol a “long, boring road.” It’s not just the speeder that they might come across, it might be your grandmother, broken down hoping that someone, anyone would come along and help her… or perhaps she hit that “deer or stray black cattle” and she lost control of her car and is lying in a ditch along that “long, boring road…”
You wrote, “Law enforcement would better to catch speeders in populated areas where it matters.”
I would say, in my 30-plus years assigned to 17 different locations on 6 different continents, I have not found many “long boring roads” in “populated areas…”
And if you are writing about Punkin Center, Colorado, small, rural unincorporated community in Lincoln County, Colorado, and as for “populated areas” the US Census does not even list any population for Punkin Center, since any census takers in the town practically double the population…
Today, the population of Punkin Center numbers three: Larry and Joni Chester, the owners of the “town,” and their son, Levi. They bought the property 20 years ago. Larry and Joni live in the brick home; Levi lives across the road.
So I would hope you slow down when passing through since Joni might be crossing the road to check on Levi who broke his neck in 2002 and needs help at home…
Police are always faced with the question of where best to focus their efforts. Writing tickets for the lesser offenses, illegal turns, failing to come to complete stops at stop signs, light bulbs out, 37 in a 30; or arresting extremely high speed and wreckless drivers. They can’t do both well. What do you folks think? If an officer could catch one high speed wreckless driver and put them off the road, but that would mean allowing 100 drivers to make less serious offenses and wouldn’t be caught, which would you advise them to do?
I do not think this is a reasonable question. Chasing a vehicle that is fleeing at a high rate of speed, like the OP wrote with glee “130 mph” raises a whole lot of possibilities, a lot of them deadly to the speeder, the police, and the general public…
Besides, your premise is that if the police do not chase and stop a speeding and reckless driver, they could then catch 100 drivers making less serious offenses.
Below is a video of a speeder (teenager) who just lost control of their car without police interference. The police officer was performing a routine traffic stop like you are proposing and it still almost killed the police officer and the person whose vehicle was stopped…
This article tells of another speeder driving over 100 mph in a 45 MPH zone and he killed 4 pedestrians…
And finally, in this case, the police stopped the pursuit because it was too dangerous for the public and the speeder kept up his speeding and he ran a stop light several minutes later, hit another vehicle, killing that driver, the two passengers in his vehicle were also killed. The driver, well he suffered minor injuries.
So, where do you draw the line, you are driving down the road at a safe distance behind another vehicle, suddenly, you run smack into them… Yeah, the brake lights on that car ahead were out and the police are not supposed to stop drivers for minor violations… When they slammed on the brakes, there was nothing to indicate that they were stopping and you hit them…
At such places I slow to the speed limit and also approaching intersections looking for cross-traffic which may miss their STOP sign.
Anytime I cannot see what is ahead or approaching I slow to be ready for a problem.
Two married couriers, whom I knew,ere on their way to church and killed when a driver missed seeing hiSTOP sign in their area. GooglEarth shows thathere is an advance STOP sign ahead sign and a larger STOP sign.
Same happened to me but being a worst case scenario tree-hugger watching for such conflicts, I avoided a collision.
You knew this in advance of your arriving at 130 mph how? Called ahead and asked Bambi to stay away?
Have you ever had any training on how to handle your high center of gravity SUV?
Have you ever tested the limits of your brakes or handling or tires in a safe place?
Going 130 in a straight line is easy until something gets in the way…then it gets really hard, really fast and then all you can see from your windshield is dirt while hanging from your belts.
Your intent is laudable, but your actions are irresponsible, dangerous and puts your life and anyone near you on the road in danger.
It depends on a few things. We had a high speed chase on the Baltimore beltway recently. The speeder was eventually corralled by police cars in front, back and on the right side. He still wouldn’t stop so the police car in the rear hit the speeder’s back end and spun him out and into the barrier on the median strip.
In MD there are state laws that require the police to stop all vehicles that do not meet safety requirements. These stops are mostly for burned out bulbs since that’s about the only thing the police can see. These stops are in lieu of an annual safety inspection. The General Assembly made it law and the police issue a warning. Get it fixed and verified by any police officer within two weeks and it is not upgraded to a ticket.
On vacant, clean, dry Interstate highways one can see what is ahead and if anything is approaching the highway.
If I cannot see, I slow so that I can respond to whatever situation - unless a bridge is out. (I look.)
A few days ago deer were along the left side of the Interstate. Turned themergency lights off, signaled right lane change and slowed to where I could stop.
High center of gravity and handling is unimportant because no sudden diversions.
No high speeds at night because animals approaching the roadway may not be seen in time.
Also road surface cannot be seen far enough ahead.
One time a doe suddenly turned and ran into the side of themergencyehicle. She slipped on the pavement and fell. Got back up.
Told my insurance agent. “You hit a deer?”
"No. I was hit by a deer. Her fur cleaned some road grime off where she ran into me.
You make a joke that you were hit be a deer… you really do not get it, do you?
In your profile, you wrote, ““Wherever Gift goes, argument follows.” - YouTube commenter.” And you certainly have proven that…
From all your protestations it is obvious that you must think you are the “Smartest Person You Know…”
You also wrote, “High center of gravity and handling is unimportant because no sudden diversions.” So we know you must have “super-vision” since you see bridges that might be out… Because you look…
You can see all upcoming possible obstructions, even at night in spite of your speed you are outdriving your headlights by several seconds… But I am sure you can see a pedestrian walking on the road rather than on the dirt shoulder, a stray animal who wanders onto the road at the last minute, the broken down farm equipment with no lights. All of which would cause even the most outrageous driver to swerve suddenly…
Make all the excuses you want, but I am sure it will not be long before you get your own video on YouTube.
In this video, who is to blame, two ambulances crash into each other…
If I cannot see what is ahead, or approaching the roadway, then I slow to where if there is anything, I can avoid it.
If a bridge were out, even at normal highways speeds, it wouldikely not be discoverable until too late. (Being a worst case scenario realist, I would not doubthat it could happen to me.)
Limited speeds at night because by the time something is illuminated enough by theadights, it is likely too late. On a number of occasions I have come upon deer or antelope on the roadway, or worse, black cattle or horses in the roadway, and barely had time to stop or go around.
The ambulance with the green signal had right of way. Is there a signal?
The ambulance having a STOP sign would yield to the ambulance not having a STOP sign.
Where there could be meets with otheresponding emergencyehicles, (any intersections) I have driver window openough to hear their sirens. (Most often I am quiet.) Over the years I have had many such encounters. No problem. My vehicle is easier to stop thany other.
I came here to read about spoilers as our Gen 3 Prius’s rear spoiler is completely faded and I am trying to see if it is worth the effort to take it off, paint it and put it back in. Now seeing the functionality, esp in relation to the Prius, I might give it a go!