Have you heard of a fuel saving device

I’d comment, but I have to go to the store and buy more turn signal fluid because mine are blinking a little slow.

Just drive like there’s a raw egg between the gas pedal and the floor.

BALONEY! Once the “elements of gasoline” (fumes) enter the cat they’re gone! And we can’t do a thing about it. And, with today’s cars a tune up involves changing spark plugs at 50 to 100 thousand miles. Otherwise, the modern vehicle tunes itself from microsecond to microsecond whenever it is running. “Pulls apart” really means he pulls your money apart from your wallet and then “polarizes” your cash in order to fuse it with his bank account. Does this guy also sell medallions that protect people from new-cue-ler weapons of mass destruction? Let me know. I’m interested.

My sister-in-law has been on every diet plan ever invented.

Not the ones that include exercise…only the ones where you take a magic pill…

And EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM…says to drink large amounts of water when you take the pill(s). Usually 4-6 times a day. Well guess what…You drink 1-2 gallons of water a day…you want to eat less and you actually do loose weight…not to mention going to the bathroom a lot.

Pure crap. All of it.

You almost got me…until I saw who posted it.

Thanks for the chuckle. Well done.


It’s a scam pure and simple. Your great great grandfather bought snake oil off the back of a wagon for 50 cents. It was supposed to cure everything but all it was was 10 cents worth of watered down whiskey.

Everyone that used the triangular magnetic device to save fuel are now using the devices to hold up notes on their refridgerators. Beware of the conference call to a truck fleet owner in Texas who swears by these devices.He is probably the partner of the “footprint” salesman.