GPS malfunction

No thanks. Tried to sleep in a boomer’s pit once on a 135. It’s COLD up there!

No, the people boom that you will slide down to get to the other plane. It will be heated and air tight. Yeah, right.

Last summer a driver in our local area drove her car down a boat ramp into the Niagara river in broad daylight because the GPS said to. I am sorry, but if you can’t perceive a boat ramp and river in daylight, you shouldn’t be driving.

This parallels the people who have driven into the water and drowned because they spent their time screaming to a 911 operator for help instead of getting out of the car. Two of them I saw on the news couldn’t tell the operator where they were and even if they had, help could not possibly arrived in time.

The gps system just knows how to get there, not always by what means. Just to find out what would happen we took our Magellan GPS on the boat to a familiar area then asked for directions home, it directed us to a particular street that ended at the water then over various roads and highways to reach home. I think it would have cost $200 to buy the maps for marine use on a $150 GPS