Gm tpms relearn

My 07 equinox has tpms. You can go thru manual tpms relearn on DIC but when I get to “start”step to relearn the system will not proceed. I’ve seen this mentioned on other sites but I’ve never seen an answer. Can I use a tpms scan tool to resolve the issue? Or is there a problem with the tpms module on my car?
I can’t even get to step for system to look for wheel sensors.

I thought you have to press okay or start to confirm and start the process?

Or does your car have a “reset” button?

I have to check the manual to see how to go through the relearn process. Press the lock and unlock button on the fob for about 5 seconds. Then the horn honks and the front left signal light goes on. Let out some air in the tire and it moves to the right front. Rinse and repeat. I don’t rotate my own tires anymore though so not my problem. The Acura is simpler. Just drive it over 15 mph.

Yes, I have a “check” button to start process. System does not respond. Yes, that is confirmed by other online queries. And no answers to be found. The check button is used for other functions too. Reset oil life and it does respond. My oil life is 100% now.

Car came with no remotes. I have several gm remotes I tried to reprogram. That failed also.

When I replaced my Pontiac fobs, they needed to be programed by the dealer. Just depends on the car. Are you sure that is a reset button? Sounds a lot like mine where it displays they reading along with all of the other items like oil, mileage, etc.

Thanks for the added information

Now here are my next questions . . .

Were you ever able to initiate the tpms relearn process on this particular vehicle?

Is this problem a new development to this particular vehicle?

Were you able to get the vehicle into tpms relearn mode with a professional level scanner?

I just got car. No fobs. DIC seems to respond to inputs. Except tpms relearn. I do not know if wheels have sensors. No scan tool used.

Can you post a picture of your vehicle’s valve stems, please?


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Your picture jogged my memory again. Changed oil on New Year’s Day but forgot to reset the oil monitor. Didn’t get in the car again until this morning but couldn’t remember how to reset it. Back to the manual again.

You can gentle move the rubber valve stem around to feel for a TPMS sensor on the other end, the sensor will hit the wheel and have limited movement compared to one without a sensor on the other end of the valve stem… But that still doesn’t mean the sensor is working or not… lol

Post removed. See post below.

This vehicle has a RCDLR (Remote Control Door Lock Receiver) that received the signals both the door locks and TPMS sensors. It’s located behind the C-pillar on the passenger side. I bet the antenna cable is disconnected, broken, or the receiver isn’t working. Pull the C-pillar panel and take a look. If it’s not receiving the signal, the fob won’t lock the doors (you mentioned that in a previous thread) and the TPMS sensor signals won’t be received. That may address both issues you’re having.

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My Tpms light is on dash.
All tires say “xx” as system cannot see them
I go thru relearn steps and system does not “start” to program.
So, my wheel sensors are fine? But system cannot “see” them?

Why would this be a wheel sensor issue? You cannot get the vehicle into programming mode for either the fob relearn or the TPMS relearn and the fob doesn’t work. All signs point to the RCDLR.
Have you driven this thing much since it was sitting for 6 months? A low voltage condition will cause issues with the RCDLR. If you’ve driven this thing a bunch since it sat for 6 months and you’re confident that system voltage is adequate, I think you’re going to need the help of a dealer on this. If the module’s bad, a Tech2 is needed to reprogram a new one

I’m fixing head gaskets. Have not driven it. Well, off trailer. It idled fine.

I replaced rcdlr. Tpms works and keyless fob works. When I press “check” on DIC it does go into learn mode. No rcdlr module reprogramming was needed. Just the relearn process.

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Did you see anything obviously wrong with the rcdlr?

We have several GMC Yukons in our fleet that have had problems with those rcdlr . . . but in these cases, these are 4x4 trucks that are ABUSED and the modules actually had sand INSIDE of them

Ha, I took out sensor from my 08 and put it in my 07 as a test. I got another one at junkyard. The 09 models have a separate lead for antenna. So an 09 won’t work in an 08-07. I’ve seen comments at other websites that said antenna lead sometimes disconects. And paranoid folks unhook antenna so fob only works when owner is real close to car. For security?

The pass seat sensor for airbag was also dead. I replaced seat cushion from another car and airbag light is off now. Seems pass side of car is “touchy”?