Factory shop manuals in pdf document

yes! & as of this morning’s writing,
with some retrospect, you might say some
have been busier than others!
shade chiaroscuro

incidentally, Linux, that is open source software, is a model, of sorts, of exactly what is possible and improved in an ‘economics’ freed of the avaricious motives characterized by fundamental precepts, or premises, of “copyright law”–
how felicitous that you should bring it–ese enano, y tal diablillo–into this fray!!!
otra vez, gracias, mil gracias.
y bienvenido, Ud. mismo.

Does the Seattle Public Library, or your neighborhood version, have access to any on line on line resources, like Alldata? I don’t live there; I wouldn’t know.

i don’t know about the seattle libraries specifically, but i expect they’re like most metropolitan libraries i’ve been to–they have at least the online and internet facilities that a private citizen may use in the home . and the public libraries i know of often provide the online time for free, but the time you may use the net will be limited often, in the interest of others waiting–there’s evidently a real thirst for information, and perhaps even for education, in the public sector.

A public online resource isn’t a concern for me, tho, since i have the usual internet and web services commonly accessible in the country (and, i suppose, the world)–
what my cursory (no pun man) search has shown me is,
only one library in the US has the specific 2004 accord fac service manual (it’s about 2000 pages i hear);
and there are absolutely no ways to access this book’s pages online, that i’ve found.

*rant alurt ********* rant alurt>>>
here i hallucinate another imagined ideal utopia, and i’m seeing, wait, wait:
where such useful information as the eBooks and literature are indeed available to one and all, free, online–
In fact this is currently in progress, the printed word in hard copy is being scanned;
‘intellectual’ publications are coming to be–online books, prose and fiction, downloadable. do i see TRADE diy materials looming, far behind?

various universities have projects to digitize all the literature (and other writing) of the world, and make it available. Unlike the vast cumulation of “data” such as maps, once strategically guarded, and sequestered, notice ! Google, and its public contributions . . .
many of these ventures meet with ideologically confirmed resistance from parties who fret wildly–if justifiably to protect their own vested interests (among other things)–in their notions of what is “property”, and they militate against the undermining threat they see in certain “stuff”-- let’s call it–being FREE!!!

it’s always amusing, don’t you think!, to look at what’s held, in the tangible private and personal inventories of individuals who populate this particular sect of ideologues; in Murkia this is a large sect, perhaps sect ain’t the word for it–as i’ve impolitely suggested earlier, this sector i reckon to be a population quite larger than that general public which is legally enfranchised to vote in federal elections–a group quite larger than the fractional part who actually do vote. one may imagine how the numbers stack up when it comes to trying, via “democratic” channels, to change certain of the ‘rules’ of the game in town.
go consult with that antique profession, the copyright lawyer, if you want to get a nice venting on one warped, transparently partial version of what this all means!
i bid you the top of the day, from the solitude of my . . .
camera obscura

I have a scanned PDF parts manual for my 73 Chrysler, it oost me $10 and was fine other than not having any search capability. Luckily I have the software to transform a standard PDF into a searchable one ~ very useful. Yes, it’s probably a bandit copy, no it isn’t available from Chrysler and rarely comes up for sale on EBay, when they do they usually have missing covers and look like something a rabid dogs done 10 rounds with.

If Chrysler gave a jot about their copyright, they’d keep it in print.

I also own a Range Rover and a Jaguar, most of the parts I buy are from shysters and crooks…

that charms me, to hear your words. i have a good friend, who has guess what! a LandRover, and an 86 Jag; beautiful cars both. way anglican too!
guess where he gets most of his parts: shysters and crooks . . .
in a way, all the world loves a rogue . . .
but dude, the problems is, i can’t get my hands on an accord shop manual to scan or photograph it.
i’m thinking taking photos will be a faster way for me to go–firewire downloads of memory sticks are just so damn fast these days. my scanner is an old HP that’s high quality, but its slow and then there’s all the graphic format conversions i have to do.
hmmm, what’s the software . . . o, don’t answer that. adobe acrobat how has searchable files i believe.
thanks for your note; if only in the spirit of camaraderie.
shade is cool these days.

dahm, scuse me. not a Landrover, i meant a Range Rover, like the queen’s got a stablefull of. sheesh. i’m really losing it.
only . . . & madmen . . . in the heat of the day.

Back on topic Ladies/Gentlemen, attention span front and center please!

I have two questions and a comment:

  1. Why is it OK to read a copy of a repair manual that someone else has purchased but not copy portions of it? If I had a photographic memory should I not look at it? Should I not use my digital camera to take a picture of it?

  2. Why does a library have a copy machine when almost everything in the library is copyrighted?

Go ahead and buy the PDF version. If you didn’t, then you would likely not buy the copyrighted version but would just work around it. In the future, don’t talk about this; just think it.

The software is ABBYY FineReader Professional it can batch OCR a PDF (among many other document formats) and create a searchable PDF, but it costs $600.

Also note, any scanned PDF will doubtlessly be passworded to prevent you converting it.

the whole concern is with finding a PDF version that is really the content of the hard copy manual. --but wait, wait . . . that’s not all.
a pdf version that is $10 is desired!
those conditions met, i wouldn’t have asked the question.
on the rest of your note, hey . . . i’feel rightly chastened.
mad dawgs and englishmen, out of the shade.

Dear Mr/Mrs Waddell:

If skills in verbosity can be converted into resources consistent with supplying the meager 10 bucks to buy a PDF version of the manual that you desire at risk of it not being adequate to your needs, then there is no problem. Otherwise get a job mowing lawns until you have enough.

yeah, now that’s a caution, that i hadn’t considered. pdf files for my purposes MUST be text searchable.

you know… its odd that such word play started over a questionable ‘ebay’ item, its purchase (or proposed purchase) and the obvious intelligence of the OP makes me wonder where have our morals gone? oops, i forgot. we can’t even vote in an election anymore and get a clear winner!

Hey forum oldtimers. Is this the first time a thread has gone like this? I was gone all day and was wondering,then sure enough it was still there and getting bigger. This is a X-file thing.

I’ve read cooky stuff but this takes the cake.

Waddell, I’ve asked before (in a way), but I’ll ask again…what is it you do for a living?

i’m a generic ‘technician’. i “make” things. i’m a fabricator. i’ve been years preoccupied in the werdwerks, searching out what “form” means, or trying to understand such a thing, which is a rather specialized realm of ‘writing’ in my case. I’m involved in refashioning my literary tools, from old and conventional instruments and tools (such as pen and typewriter), without sacrificing the broad powers of that bookish literature, hoping to put this at the service of the newer tools, namely the movie production software that any individual may have and ‘write with’.
so my deep fascination is with a question of “Form”–wanting to discover to my advantage and satisfaction, what it is in the written page that makes it so overwhelmingly substantial, and moving, considered in comparison to the superficially dazzling media of visual productions (whether they be advertisements on TV, or movies, or videos) . . .
well, gotta go at the moment.
probably this is well. there is no short way to bridge my “formality” question, so as to bring the issue to the present point i’m at, which is basically writing out the literate or dialogic part that will somehow get dump’t into the movie production that now is in iMovie form, not Final Cut Pro, i ain’t there yit.
broad theatrical history comes into play in this project engagement–knowing what Brecht meant and achieved in his wonderful and preposterous “theatre” is essential, and it serves me in the short term, in that i can, as above, with a sane and coherent intent and direction, assert, as i did:
"i don the androgyne persona"
you will know that werd, “persona” is that, a mask, literally the PER (through) SONA (sound)–hence the “Person” one that we may be,

this is not sophistic witticism. in some ways it’s easily accessible. but the difference between the “play” and the “real” is one hell of a Formal problem–if yer a fabricator, i mean.

So, you “make” things but wish you were a movie producer?

Also, do you smoke or inject anything before posting on this forum? It seems to me a lot of people like to do that…this forum is turning into the friend that gets drunk calls at 3 am…

NYBO, can you provide an explanation on this one with your background? I’m almost intrigued.

that’s right Jad, i want to be the movie producer! Nice save!
why is that? well, might it be . . . because “the movie producer” as a stereotypical “role” is emblematic–a strutting part as i write it out, a paradigm to load with all the neediness, all of the Property, that would topple were it not comfortably protected (sometimes) by the severe application of ‘copyright laws’?
so far, your role isn’t well fluffed out, but you get to, actually, “speak” the lines immediately above. you like?
then there’s a scene (actually you get to be the hero in the scene, on this one) where we’ll have fun–we’ll be fun: you’ll haul yer dok back outta the wattah, to hear him weigh in in the matter! intrigued are you? the plot has suspense, huh?
and th’ plot sickens . . . ggggrrrrrrr.
because there’s this male, or fe-mail daemon, the sinister part, lurking somewhhere, mebbe sigh-brrr-space, but hidden–this dude takes out blocks of ‘dialog’, and puts 'em in a moderation queue.
and the detective, by examining which “parts of speech” which tongues, so to say, ‘disappear’ is beginning to develop a theory about the type of society . . .

oooh, but, i don’t want to give away the story,

n.b. you just need to study the script, where i’ve put a few notes on the “ad hominum” ploy. OOO! wait–
that part has already been redacted. sorry.
you’ll have to go with your instincts, yer emotions–but i’m easy–as you see, i’m already letting you, ‘write yourself in’.
neet, no?

woooo, hoooo! friday thirteenth! and yer already talkin about drugs.
it’s gonna be a hot one, fer sure.

oh, another thing, i forgot to ask; kinda sidlin’ up to yuh:

    yo podnur: 

wut zackly is it, ya do? fer a livin’ ah mean?

(the querying x-er recedes as if in backward rewind motion, in a quick whirr; the voyeurs, audient, hear a muffled bump as the X-er appears still-frame in the cane-seated sodafountain chair he’d riz from to do the sidlin’ . . .]

see, it gits lit’rary. problem.

I work for The Government, so I don’t think there’s a big chance we’re going to turn into life long friends…

Am I going to be in your next movie screenplay now?

Oh and I thought I’d take a shot at talking like you:

It’s pow’ful fun t’talk as eff’n ah’s quite ejoocayted, o’ eccentric. But ah’s not! Fry mah hide! ah jest wish ah was, but ah’s pow’ful only crazy!

How’d I do? It DOES git lit’rary, doesn’t it. This is fun.