Aftermarket repair manuals

Noticed this recently in Corolla’s aftermarket repair manual:

Note: Do not charge your car’s battery more the 70 amp/hour . Charging amps X hours = amps/hour… lol

Sort of have to wonder if anybody proofreads these manuals before they go to print?

Some of these have exact reprints of the factory manuals. But not the full coverage. I don’t know how they pull this off but probably have to pay to reprint it. I have both but just don’t pay the $200 for the factory manual anymore, so it’s Haynes or YouTube, but I don’t do things like I used to. There are errors or omissions in the factory manuals too that the dealer mechanics seem to know. Nothing like looking at a wire harness routing in a factory manual though compared to a Haynes cliff notes. I don’t know about all data etc. but assume they are just reprints of the factory manuals.

Your Corolla is old enough that it was likely translated in Japan. American was not as widely spoken as it is now and it is not surprising that there are errors. That was a common situation in the 1990s.

The factory repair manual appears to be translated from Japanese. but the manual to which I refer is an aftermarket manual. The factory manual does’t seem to contain many obvious errors, although it does contain a few/ I’ll check the factory manual to see if amp/hour mistake was originally made there.

And earlier, too! The factory manual for my 1973 Honda CL450 was often a laugh to read given the translation mistakes and mixing of American terms and British terms.

Is “American” a language?


Sure is. English has words we don’t use like boot instead of trunk. I can tell if someone has mastered the American language if they use vernacular correctly or not. I met a Japanese woman in Japan after she lived in Seattle as an exchange student. She didn’t think that she spoke American well but her vernacular was excellent. She did not speak like a foreigner but an American with an accent.

As far as translations—even product descriptions can be near hilarious.

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American English (AmE) is the dialect of the English language used mostly in the United States of America. It is estimated that approximately two thirds of native speakers of English live in the United States. American English is also sometimes called United States English or U.S. English.

And then we have our sub-dialects, Northern American, Southern American, Eastern American, Western American, Mountain America, not to mention Black Mountain NC area has it’s own American and so on and so on… Just as many different sub-dialects as states or more… :rofl:

Many years ago, I had a repair manual for my '71 Charger. I don’t recall which manual it was, but it wasn’t the factory manual. Anyway, it did prove to be helpful for some more minor repairs, but when it came to certain major repairs, it stated…
Step 1: Remove engine

However, there was nothing in the repair manual explaining the preferred method of extracting the engine.

I always thought it was a little unusual that these Haynes books.etc. Had full chapters on engine overhauls. Pistons, rings, bearings, etc. like who does that anymore and not the typical Haynes reader I don’t think. But then gloss over some of the basics that a little more detail would be nice.


The advice is not to charge the battery at a rate greater than 70 amps per hour, not 70 amps X hours.

Charging a battery at 70 amps per hour doesn’t make sense. Those aren’t the correct units. The charging rate if you were using a 70 amp battery charger setting, which seems unlikely, but in that case the charging rate would be 70 amps, not 70 amps per hour. 70 amps charging rate means there are 70 coulombs of electrons moving into the battery per second. One coulomb = 6,240,000,000,000,000,000 electrons.

70 amps per hour would represent a measure of the electron’s acceleration, unrelated to battery charging.