Daughter got "too close" to garage door opening

My daughter scraped the side of my Mercury Sable on the painted wood garage door trim as she was entering the garage. The result is the paint from the door trim is rubbed onto the car finish along the lower passenger side of the car. How can I get the garage door trim paint off the side of the car without damaging the car finish underneath?

I would suggest that you use Polishing Compound (NOT Rubbing Compound), which you can find at any auto supply store. Follow package directions, taking care to use only gentle motions with a slightly damp rag, and the paint marks should come off with no damage to the underlying car finish.

will give it a shot. thanks!

Isopropal alcohal

If it is latex paint, some hot water with some non-concentrated detergent will work. The hot water should work on alkyd (oil) based paint too.

Go down to the auto store and get a meguire’s buffing pad that mounts in a drill. Then use that and the polishing compound to buff it off. For small areas and minimum investment, the buffing pads work pretty good.